His Black Pearl
    Always on me.
    I try my best to please him. I try to be a
good girl. I try to make him proud. I try to show him I’m sorry for
all the trouble I gave him when I first arrived.
    When I first arrived…
    It’s getting hard to remember any life but
this one, and I wonder how many days I’ve already spent in my
master’s care. Thoughts of my imprisonment should worry me, but for
some reason they don’t. Time is irrelevant. All that matters is
Master. Pleasing him has become my one purpose in life, and so far
it’s a duty I’ve come to excel at.
    Master leans over the side of his bed and
strokes my hair. I’m lying on my stomach. His hand moves from my
cheek to my breast. He gently pinches one of my nipples, and I gasp
in delight.
    When he orders me to kneel before him, I
readily open my mouth. My lips are on his cock before he even
commands it.
    I think my enthusiasm impresses him.
    After he fills me with his seed, there’s a
knock on the door, and as usual White Coat arrives to take me for
my morning bath. I follow him to the kennels. I let him bathe,
groom, and feed me. I try to be patient, but my thoughts keep
turning back to Master, and the longer I’m away from him the more I
want to get back.
    A tiny part of me screams that this isn’t how
I should be. I’m Adair Bartlett. I’m a free woman. I shouldn’t
embrace my captivity so easily. I should want to escape. I should
need to escape. Freedom should be the most pressing thought on my
    But it isn’t.
    It really isn’t.
    I think that realization should bother me
more, but right now it’s hard to think about anything other than
Master. He’s waiting on me, and I need to get back to him.
    I’m fidgeting by the door as I wait for White
Coat to clip on my leash, but more and more time passes and still
I’m left unattended. I turn around to see what’s holding him up,
and that’s when I see him lifting Miss Priss out of her cage. She
still struts as she comes up beside me, but I can see a hint of
hurt, maybe even anger hidden in those green eyes of hers, and for
a moment I want to comfort her. Having Master lavish all his
attention on me has to be hard. Lord knows, I don’t think I could
take losing him now. Every moment I’m away is painful enough as it
is. God only knows how I’d be able to go on if I lost him.
    That thought scares me on more levels than I
can imagine, but I push it aside as best I can. All doubts can wait
for the future. Right now, it’s the present I should be concerned
with, and the present means returning to Master.
    White Coat clips on my leash, and I’m so
excited I can hardly hold back my pace. He leads us back to the
villa, and when we finally reach Master’s bedroom, only my chain
keeps me from flinging myself at my master’s feet.
    I whine into my gag, and Master smiles down
at me.
    “Sona, Isa.”
    His hands move down my neck, my back, over my
ass, all the way to my cunt, and I thrust my pussy into his open
palm. He strokes me slow and deep.
    I arch back my neck and sigh.
    Master nods to White Coat, and my burly
keeper leaves the room. The giant oak door closes behind him. Now
it’s just me and Master. Me and Master and Miss Priss.
    Miss Priss…
    The blonde vixen hasn’t moved since White
Coat gave her leash to Master, and I can hear her snort as Master’s
attention remains focused on me and not her.
    She won’t even look at us.
    I know she’s angry, jealous, hurt, but right
now, I don’t care. Right now I’m with Master. He’s the one who
matters here, not this resentful little bitch. He’s the one I need
to please, the only one I need to please, and if she can’t
understand that, then to hell with her.
    Master gives my ass one last pat before he
turns away and pulls something heavy and familiar out of the corner
of the room.
    My scratching post.
    That’s what I’ve come to call the heavy
ottoman with the giant dildo rising up from its center. Master
keeps it in the corner of the room,

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