Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
and, 212–14
    Hirohito’s reprimand and firing of, 208, 211, 217–19
    Kawai on, 212–13
    Tsinan affair and, 215
    Tanaka Hiromi, 85
    Tanaka Kakuei, 672–73
    Tanaka Mitsuaki, 271
    Tanaka Nobumasa, 509
    Tanaka Rykichi, 250, 366, 628
    Tanemura Sataka, 423
    Tangku Truce Agreement, 272–73
    Tani Hisao, 614
    Tani Masayuki, 261
    tanka poems, 193, 414
    Tarawa, 470, 472
    Tatekawa Yoshitsugu, 231, 232, 394
    Teijin Rayon Company, 256
    Teimei Kg(Sadako), Dowager Empress, 21, 22, 96–99, 102, 104, 114, 123, 130, 296, 494
    Tenriky, 187
    Terasaki Hidenari, 589, 590, 591, 613, 627, 679
    Terauchi Juichi, 423
    Terauchi Masatake, 93, 267
    terrorism, 252, 273, 667
    Teru no miya, Princess, 145, 270–71, 537
    Thailand, 422, 434, 446
    Third Fleet, Japanese, 311
    Times (London), 111
    Timor, 446
    Timperley, Harold J., 337
    TgHeihachir, 43–45, 47–48, 77, 90, 101, 208–10, 225
    TgShigenori, 351, 420–21, 425, 428–29, 431–32, 434, 435, 436, 457, 474, 503–4, 505, 611, 628
    Sat’s exchanges with, 507–8
    surrender debate and, 511, 513, 515–17
    tried as war criminal, 599, 601–3, 610, 611
    TjHideki, 1, 244, 277–78, 356, 367, 370, 374, 376, 417, 422, 425, 430, 431, 432–33, 435, 460, 462, 467, 469, 474, 475, 476, 487, 519, 549, 581, 589, 593, 676
    appointed army minister, 373
    cabinet of, 420
    command shakeup and, 472–73
    death of, 610
    â€œdictatorship” of, 457
    in Hirohito’s “Monologue,” 590–91
    â€œHull note” and, 428
    Konoe replaced by, 418–19
    named prime minister, 418–20
    ouster of, 477–79
    Pearl Harbor responsibility issue and 546–47
    prisoner-of-war issue and, 448
    suicide attempt of, 585
    tried as war criminal, 584–86, 601–5, 609, 628
    Tokoro Isao, 73
    Tokugawa Ieyasu, 566
    Tokugawa Mitsukuni, 65
    Tokutomi Soh, 434
    Tokyo, Japan:
    Imperial Palace in, 26–27, 85, 493
    Kanto earthquake and, 140
    1936 army mutiny in, 297–300
    Tokyo Artillery Arsenal strikes, 52
    Tokyo Imperial University, 57, 59, 77, 133, 605
    Tokyo Nichi Nichi shinbun, 135, 297, 336
    Tokyo war crimes trial, 14, 15, 17, 334, 581–618, 624, 627, 645, 684
    abdication issue in, 605–7, 618, 634
    chemical warfare issue in, 616–17
    China’s delegation to, 594–95
    defense in, 600–602
    depositions in, 596–97
    disputed authority of, 609
    dissenting opinions in, 610–12
    executions in, 609–10, 634
    Hirohito as behind the scenes during, 613–14
    Hirohito’s immunity questioned in, 610, 612
    Hirohito’s “Monologues” and, 589–92
    â€œHull note” and, 601–2, 611
    impact on Japanese people, 612–15
    India’s delegation to, 595–96
    indictments in, 593
    MacArthur’s role in, 609–10
    media and, 589, 603, 615
    military’s deceit exposed by, 614
    offenses charged in, 607–8
    political attitudes affected by, 614–15
    prosecution in, 598–99
    as show trial, 598
    Soviet delegation to, 593
    trying Hirohito as issue in, 583–85, 587–89
    U.S. Supreme Court ruling on, 582, 609
    verdicts and sentences in, 609–10, 634
    war responsibility issue in, 584–86, 588–89, 599–600, 602, 603–4, 607, 612, 617–18, 627–28, 634, 651–52
    witnesses called in, 598
    Tomita Kenji, 419
    Tong’a ilbo (Oriental daily), 191
    Tranomon incident, 140–42, 158
    Tyama Mitsuru, 62, 98, 104, 167
    Toyoda Soemu, 500, 512, 514–15
    Toyoda Teijir, 400, 408, 429
    Tyjih (Oriental review), 70
    Toyoshita Narahiko, 639, 640
    Trautmann, Oscar, 343–45
    Treasury Department, U.S., 401
    Treat, John W., 666
    Treaty Concerning the Laws and Regulations of Belligerency, 360
    Tripartite Alliance, 375, 380–84, 402, 425, 437, 590, 602
    signing of, 380, 383
    Tripartite Intervention of 1895, 256
    Truk Island, 453, 467, 472
    Truman, Harry S., 498, 499–500, 520, 543–44, 609, 615, 617, 618, 635, 636

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