Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
invasion of, 394–95, 410
    Germany’s nonaggression pact with, 354, 393, 396
    in Japanese peace plans, 480, 493–94, 501, 505–8, 510, 522
    in Japanese war plans, 397–98, 408, 489–90
    Japan’s border clashes with, 318–19, 351, 649
    Japan’s neutrality pact with, 393–94, 399, 402, 490, 521, 523
    Manchuria conflict and, 242, 248–49, 259
    Tokyo trials and, 584, 593, 640
    U.S. Cold War rivalry with, 624, 627
    war against Japan declared by, 496, 502, 509, 525, 527, 529, 530
    Spanish-American War, 9
    spirit of Japan ( Yamato damashii ), 52, 483
    Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 107, 454
    Stahmer, Heinrich, 393–94
    Stalin, Joseph, 249, 354, 357, 369, 393, 394, 395, 497, 505, 506, 508, 522, 524, 593, 598, 607, 640
    Stark, Harold, 385
    State Department, U.S., 374, 401, 498, 543–44, 611, 626, 640, 651
    surrender decision and, 498–500
    Statement Concerning the Guidance of
    Thought, 201
    State Restoration Society (Kokuikai), 253
    Stimson, Henry L., 134, 242, 601
    nonrecognition principle of, 249–50, 256, 428
    stock market crash of 1929, 219
    SudShinji, 432
    Suetsugu Nobumasa, 101, 151, 208, 209
    Suez Canal, 107, 110
    suffrage issue, 41, 94, 184, 206
    Sugiura Shigetake, 62–70, 73, 77, 78, 80, 85, 91
    background of, 62–63
    ethics lessons taught by, 63–64, 66–67, 69–70
    imperial engagement controversy and, 96–97, 98, 99
    lectures of, 64–67
    race theory of, 68–69
    Sugiyama Gen, 319, 320, 321, 325, 336, 362, 388, 399, 402, 413, 414, 417, 421, 423–24, 426, 433, 447, 449, 454–56, 459, 461, 464, 466–67, 468, 469, 475, 476, 588, 675
    Hirohito’s scolding of, 411–12
    prisoners of war and, 448
    resignation of, 473
    Sumatra, 467
    Sumitomo Company, 174, 175
    Sumitomo Kichizaemon, 174
    Summer Flowers ( Natsu no hana ) (Hara), 637
    Sung, T. V., 372
    Sung Mei-ling, 372
    supreme command, right of ( tsuiken no dokuritsu ), 154–55
    Supreme Court, U.S., 582, 609
    Supreme Military Council, 299
    Supreme War Leadership Council, 387, 480, 490, 493, 494, 509, 511–12, 514, 516, 521–22
    Suzuki Kantar, 24, 172, 209, 217, 225, 231, 232, 243, 246, 253, 261, 270, 297, 299, 465, 493, 494, 499, 500–501, 503, 506, 509, 512, 514, 516, 522, 525–26, 528, 551, 583, 588
    Suzuki Kisabur, 254
    Suzuki Kyuman, 542
    Suzuki Sroku, 229
    Suzuki Tadakatsu, 584
    Suzuki Teiichi, 422, 602
    Suzuki Zenk, 680–81
    Sweden, 515
    Switzerland, 515
    â€œsymbol monarchy,” 571, 579, 627
    Tachi Sakutar, 130, 133–34, 222, 223, 360
    Tada Hayao, 354
    Tainichi shinbun, 138
    Taishdemocracy movement, 40, 41, 53, 94, 100, 112, 118, 164, 177, 227, 280, 562
    Hirohito as champion of, 146
    Hirohito’s domestic tours and, 135–39
    Hirohito’s enthronement and demise of, 198, 203
    Inoue incident and, 167
    Katcabinet and, 158
    kokutai debate and, 161–62, 165
    Taishemperor, see Yoshihito, emperor of Japan
    Taiwan, 8, 74, 308, 457, 474, 476, 479, 488, 595, 627, 636
    Hirohito’s 1923 visit to, 136, 137–39
    see also China, Nationalist
    Taiwan Garrison Force, 325
    Taiwan jipp, 138–39
    Takagi Skichi, 369, 405–7, 411, 501, 509–10, 514, 583
    Takahashi Korekiyo, 123, 128, 147, 155, 157, 246, 255, 297
    Takahito, see Mikasa, Prince
    Takaishi Shingor, 232
    Takamatsu, Prince (Nobuhito), 145, 156, 285, 513, 572, 613, 657
    Takamatsu, Prince (Nobuhito)
    Asahi ’s interview of, 564
    birth of, 21, 23–24
    on fascist mood of army, 272–73
    Hirohito criticized by, 382, 477, 605, 677–79
    Hirohito’s talks with, 322, 407, 430–31
    on Tj’s appointment, 419
    war reminiscences of, 677–78
    Takao, 272
    Takayanagi Kenz, 601
    Takeshita Noboru, 685
    Tamaki Akira, 685
    Tamon Jir, 258
    Tanabe Hajime, 605
    Tanaka Chigaku, 101, 163, 168, 169
    Tanaka Giichi, 42, 46, 153, 161, 183, 184, 187, 198, 201, 206, 209, 221, 222, 590
    cabinet formed by, 184–86
    Chang assassination and, 215–16
    court group

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