His love for her would never die.
    Tobias Knight, a four hundred year old vampire, happens upon Cat Luster’s latest best seller and stares at her picture on the jacket, astounded to discover it’s Seraphina, his one true love who perished at the hands of vampire killers three hundred years ago. He seeks her out and discovers she is his dead vampire wife reincarnated, but he must convince Cat of this fact. The only way to help her remember her past life with him is to reawaken the fire between them and experience the hot, passionate, erotic love they shared three hundred years years ago.
    Cat is a paranormal erotica writer with an overactive imagination. In one startling moment she meets her fantasy lover, the man she’s been day dreaming about all her life, as he brings her erotica to life.
    Meanwhile, the vampire killers who drove a stake through her heart are back and they mean to kill her…again.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
    Her Vampire Lover
    Copyright © 2012 Anastasia Maltezos
    ISBN: 978-1-77111-353-3
    Cover art by Martine Jardin
    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
    Published by Devine Destinies
    An imprint of eXtasy Books
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    Her Vampire Lover
    Her Vampire Lover Book 1
    Anastasia Maltezos

    To Angela Salera and Antonio Cistera

Chapter One
    Disgusted, Tobias Knight tossed the vampire killer on the floor and scanned the threadbare apartment. As a four hundred year old vampire, he had seen it all. Nothing shocked or surprised him, but when his gaze caught the book on the coffee table, his body stiffened in disbelief.
    He grabbed the book, clenched his jaw, and stared at the picture of the woman on the jacket. His cold, unfeeling heart jolted. He held the book so tightly his knuckles showed white as his heart and mind battled each other. It can’t be. After all these centuries, Seraphina couldn’t be alive. Can she?
    His beautiful Seraphina.
    Gone for three hundred years, she’d left him alone to live as the undead for centuries, with nothing but torment and anguish in his cold heart. No, that wasn’t true. He did feel something—hate. A deep, dark hatred for the Granger clan who had mercilessly killed his beloved.
    The Granger at his feet stirred, moaning under his breath. Tobias cast a harsh look on him, his vision growing so dark, he viewed the vampire killer through a black haze. His heart was cold, his blood like ice in his veins, the last of its warmth gone the day Seraphina died.
    “Where did you get this?” Tobias asked, his tone deadly calm.
    The Granger’s face twisted with hate. “It doesn’t matter, demon bastard. We’re already on her trail. Very soon, we’ll send her straight to Hell where she belongs.” He spat blood from his swollen lip. “The demon bitch has come back from the dead, but she won’t last long in this life. She’s a mortal now, and all we have to do is snap her little neck.”
    Logic fought with Tobias. He knew the woman couldn’t be Seraphina, yet a small

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