02-Let It Ride

02-Let It Ride by L.C. Chase

Book: 02-Let It Ride by L.C. Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.C. Chase
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things. He shivered when Eric’s tongue, hot and wet, traced the curve of his earlobe and then dipped inside, drawing a soft moan up from the bottom of Bridge’s throat.
    “Oh. That’s a spot, is it?” Eric’s moist breath sent a tremor rumbling through his whole body, pinging through his veins and heightening his every sense.
    And it was fucking hot.
    He tried to say so, but the words got all jumbled and couldn’t break free. Whatever noise of agreement he managed to make seemed to be enough, though, because Eric went at his ear again, and holy shit . . . Had he ever been this turned on before?
    Bridge slid his hand down Eric’s arm, slipped it into Eric’s, and laced their fingers. He leaned into Eric’s ear and ran his tongue along the shell, just the way Eric had done to him, and smiled at the tremble he drew from the man. He whispered, “I really think you should take me to your camper now.”
    Eric leaned back and looked at him, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension seeping back into his expression.
    Nope that wouldn’t do. “You look a little worried.”
    “You sure this is what you want?”
    Bridge rocked his hips forward, letting Eric feel just how sure he was. “All guns ablaze.”
    Hesitation seeped from Eric’s violet depths, and they darkened, flecks of silver flashed, and his voice was a low rumble when he spoke. “Put out the fire.”
    Not letting go of Eric’s hand, he kicked dirt into the small pit until any still-glowing embers had been extinguished. “Let’s go.” The urgency in his voice matched the urgency of his steps as they walked the short distance and stumbled into Eric’s camper like a couple of hormonal teenagers.
    Bridge froze just inside the doorway, staring at the small space while Eric squeezed in behind him and locked the door. There was almost no room for one grown man, let alone two. On one side of a narrow hall was a micro kitchen, on the other side, a bench seat running the length of the camper and a tiny table. But more importantly . . . “Where the hell’s the bed?”
    Eric pointed to a cubbyhole-sized space at the front of the camper above the cab of the truck. It couldn’t have been more than three feet high.
    There was no way. “Are you serious? We won’t both fit up there.”
    “Don’t worry,” Eric said, wrapping his arms around Bridge’s waist from behind, palms flat on his stomach, and kissed his ear. “The table drops down to make a bigger bed.”
    “Mmm, good.” He let his head fall back onto Eric’s shoulder, and his hat fell to the floor. So long as Eric kept doing that, nothing else really mattered. And it wasn’t like he’d never made out in the backseat of a car before, so this was a step up. “That feels so good.”
    “Yeah?” Eric kissed the side of his neck and gently sucked the skin there, teasing it with his tongue. “How about that?”
    “Yes. More.” He turned in Eric’s arms and lowered his head to claim Eric’s mouth. All day he’d been replaying the last kiss they’d shared. All day he’d been dreaming of kissing this man again. And now, finally, he got his wish, and somehow it was even better than the last time. They fit perfectly. Their noses didn’t bump because he seemed to instinctively know which way to angle his head, and Eric seemed to know how to tease and caress his tongue, how much to give and take, how to deepen the kiss to the point where Bridge felt like his whole body was melting into Eric’s.
    He pulled back just enough to swallow a gulp of air. “Fuck, Eric.” Their lips brushed as he spoke, his voice a rasp. “No one has ever turned me on like you do. It’s like all the wires in my brain short-circuit.”
    Eric leaned back a little and ducked his head, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. “I bet you say that to all the cowboys.”
    “You’re not a cowboy.” Bridge raised a hand and ran it over Eric’s head, like he’d been wanting to for days now. The close-cropped hair under his

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