bundle in his
massive arms. Brock thought it looked strange to see his hulking brother very
carefully holding a tiny bundle.
    “I have a boy. He’s a big boy, bigger than his
brother. He still needs a check out, so I’m taking him to ICU. Mum is staying
with Susie, and so is Sammy until we get back. You two okay? Listening to Susie
didn’t put you off having one of these little guys with Sammy?”
    Brock grinned at Blake. “No. I look at him and look
forward to having one. You’re very lucky, brother.”
    Blake had a massive smile on his face as he nodded
and followed the nurses to the ICU.
    “Wow. You have two new little nephews.” Slater waked
him on the back. “Do you think we’ll get as lucky as your brothers and end up
having a couple of kids?”
    Brock looked at Slater, and he could see the longing
in his eyes. Slater was in his late thirties, and Brock turned forty late this
year. “I hope so. I hope so.”

    Sammy was still exhausted from the other night, and
she hadn’t even given birth to the babies. She lay on the lounge waiting for
Slater to arrive with the movies he’d gone to pick up. She and Slater were
having a laze-about movie night. Brock was going to join them for an hour or so
when he finished work.
    Her doorbell rang, and she shouted, “I’ve left the
door open for you.”
    Slater came to her with DVDs in one hand and a bag
in the other. He sat next to her placing the DVDs on the coffee table and the
bag. “Hey, beautiful, I got the movies you requested, and in the bag are some
chocolate milks and chocolate.”
    Sammy sat up and looked at the movies, one comedy,
two action , and one romance. She leaned over to Slater
and kissed him. “Thanks. I didn’t feel like heading out tonight.” He pulled her
so she straddled his lap. “Getting back into the workforce has wiped me out
also.” She circled her arms around his neck. “Thanks so much for giving me a
job.” Sammy leaned forward and brushed her lips over his. “I really appreciate
    Slater groaned and gripped her arse and moved her
closer to his hard body. “I like having you close. No need to thank me.” Slater
winked. “But if you want to show your appreciation I wouldn’t stop you.” He
ground his jean-covered crotch against her covered pussy.
    Sammy chuckled. “Oh really?” She leaned forward and kissed Slater. Her tongue sought entry, and he met hers.
His fingers slid under her shirt and trailed up her back and around to cup and
massage her lace-covered breasts.
    Slater lifted her shirt up over her head, and Sammy
fought the need to cover her belly. Neither Slater nor Brock had seen her
without her clothes on. Brock and Slater had both made it clear to Sammy they
liked her body and had no issue about her weight, but Greg’s comments were
forever stamped into her brain.
    “Yum. I
love a bit of breast.”
    Sammy giggled, and her unease vanished at Slater’s
words. Slater yanked her pants and undies down, and she lifted her body helping
to accommodate him. His fingers slid along her nether lips and gently probed
her pussy.
    Slater leaned back, and his gaze traveled up and
down her body. “Beautiful. You’re so perfect. You smell like heaven to me, and
I want to taste you.”
    Closing her eyes Sammy moaned. Slater kissed and
sucked his way down her burning body. Sammy had never felt anything so good.
Slater, honey, and chocolate surrounded her, and she just wanted to hold him to
her forever.
    Sammy let herself go, crying out as Slater’s warm
breath feathered over her pussy. Anticipation was making the fire burning in
her higher, and she panted as she looked down and watched Slater’s tongue snake
out and lap at her clit. “More. Slater, my body is on fire.”
    Slater grinned up at her, and a wicked gleam came
into his eyes. “Oh Sammy, I’m going to make you combust.” His fingers dug into
her arse as he brought her back to his mouth. His tongue dug deep into her core,
and she gripped the

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