Vengeful Shadows
    Zander led Tessa to another knot of people and introduced her to the guest of honor. As they made polite conversation, she caught of whiff of cologne she hadn’t smelled in years. It was what he’d worn that night.
    Swallowing a gag, she excused herself and headed across the room. A breeze, heavy with the scent of rain, blew in through the open French doors that led to a secluded balcony. The gray clouds had turned black, and an ominous autumn storm blew in off the lake. The wind’s restless energy drew Tessa outside.
    She slowed her breathing, willing her nerves to calm. If she’d thought her feelings had been getting out-of-control before, now they were the emotional equivalent of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. She sighed. The last thing Zander needed was for her to flip out in front of his co-workers.
    Lightning flashed in the distance and created a smudged reflection on the choppy water. Cool, damp air lifted her hair off her face as she tilted her chin skyward. Closing her eyes, she tried to let the sound of the waves wash away her tension.
    Before she could relax, a man’s body pressed against her back, and a hand locked over her eyes. It wasn’t Zander. His size, shape and scent were all wrong.
    Tessa froze in fear, a scream lodged in her throat. Instinctively, she jerked her head and thrust back her elbow, connecting with a hard stomach. She spun and twisted away but lost her footing, landing in a heap in the corner. The railing jabbed into her spine.
    Tessa scrambled to her feet, questions careening through her mind. How had her stalker found her here? Had he been here all along? Zander’s face popped into her head. She dismissed the notion before it fully formed.
    Zander stepped onto the balcony in time to see Tessa knock Aidan to the ground. Adrenaline surged and he raced to her side.
    “Whoa, love. It’s me, Aidan. I was trying to surprise you,” he heard his friend say.
    “Worked.” She breathed heavily. “Consider me surprised.”
    Zander wrapped his arms around her and tried not to take her flinch as a personal affront. Her heart pounded erratically against him, the aftermath of extreme fear. What had Aidan done to her to frighten her this badly?
    Uncontrolled shivering claimed her body, but she pushed out of his embrace and knelt by Aidan.
    “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Her hands fluttered like nervous moths by her side.
    Aidan’s laugh was rueful. “You’ve got a mean elbow, woman, but I’m fine.” He grew more serious. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
    “You just startled me,” she said. Offering her hand, she helped him to his feet.
    The expression on Aidan’s face mirrored the disbelief that roared through Zander. Startled, my ass. Something far more significant had happened, and he was going to find out what. He shot his friend a look that said, “Get out of here.”
    Aidan excused himself after reassuring Tessa he was fine.
    Zander joined her at the railing, where she leaned with her arms draped over the edge. Lightning split the sky in the distance. She didn’t seem aware of the display. Conversely, she jumped at the crack of thunder. She shook her head, a look of disgust twisted her features.
    “I’m such an idiot,” she said as she smoothed her hair from her face and swiped at her eyes.
    “What was that all about? And don’t say startle reflex.”
    With visible effort, she tried to control her trembling but allowed him to put his arms around her. The intermittent flashes of lightning illuminated her too-pale face.
    “Sorry about that,” she said and pulled from him.
    “Talk to me, Tess.” He urged her to meet his gaze. “What happened?”
    “Nothing. I’m just a little edgy.”
    “That’s not edgy, angel. That’s freaking out.”
    She closed her eyes. “Okay, so I’m a little tense.”
    “A little?” He’d never seen her like this. She was wound so tightly it worried him.
    She shrugged from his grasp. “I spend most of my spare time at the shelter. Some

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