Her Rebellious Heart: A Scottish Historical Romance

Her Rebellious Heart: A Scottish Historical Romance by Marian McBride

Book: Her Rebellious Heart: A Scottish Historical Romance by Marian McBride Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian McBride
also, but peace and quiet reigned through out. 
                  As always, her attention was drawn to the beautiful stained glass window that adorned the chancel of the Kirk. The thought of being organist for a while in this hallowed sanctuary, filled her with pride, but also humility.
                  As she sat in quiet contemplation, she could almost hear the music of the recessional and see the black robed members of the choir walking in the aisle. A few moments later, renewed and refreshed, she quietly left the Kirk and went about the tasks at hand.
                  The birthday party was now coming to an end. Bridget thought that it had been a big success.  Margaret was looking almost pretty dressed as she was in a full skirted, soft blue dress of Bridget's, her hair tied back with a matching blue ribbon. The few guests had been most gracious and generous to her, each presenting her with some small gift.
                  Now as she bade them goodnight, her cheeks were flushed with pleasure, especially when Sandy, one of the young stable boys, held her hand a little longer than was necessary. Starry eyed she came towards her cousin, saying, “Bridget, I'm so happy tonight. Never have I had such a nice time.   You are so good to me.”
                  “Not at all, Margaret, everyone should have a party once in a while, and I was happy to do it for you. Now you go by the fire and talk with Robert. Aidan and I will do the cleaning up. This has been your big day, and I don't want you to do any work. Robert will entertain you with some of his stories.”
                  Aidan accompanied her to the kitchen. Besse was nowhere in sight. She had seemed displeased about the party, but there was nothing she could do to stop it and had apparently gone to her bedroom just off the kitchen.
                  Soon Bridget and Aidan had the dishes washed, parlor tidied up, and everything in ship shape order again. Bridget smiled as she watched him fold the dish towel he had been using.
                  “Have you ever dried dishes before Aidan? Looks funny to see you working in the kitchen.”
                  He smiled good-naturedly. “I don't do too much of it, but can when I have to. The foster family I lived with after I was orphaned gave me good training in survival. Fighting, riding, fishing, and hunting. Even house work at times. It was getting increasingly harder though to make a decent living, and one time when your Robert came to visit the people whose home I lived in, he offered to bring me down here and give me a chance to better myself, and also relieve them of the responsibility.” His face showed a fair off expression. “That seems so long ago now, but I am thankful I came, and will never forget what Mr. MacDonald did for me.”
                  Bridget's heart softened at his words. “I'm glad he brought you here, Aidan,” she said softly,  “but don't you miss the highlands? It must be beautiful there. I've heard my father speak of them. He goes there with the fishing fleet when their season is on. He is there now.”
                  “Aye, lassie, the highlands are very beautiful, wild and beautiful. I do miss the bens and lochs, but you can't eat scenery, you know,” he said with a smile.
                  Hanging up the towel he was holding, he came closer to her and changing the subject, asked her, “Weren't you afraid to let your bonny lad walk another girl home tonight, even if it was your sister?”
                  “Oh, Aidan, I've already told you Kevin is not my lad. He has his eye on my sister Aileen, and when he gets the promotion he spoke of the other night, they plan to become engaged. My only interest in him is the music we share.”
                  “You don't mind a younger sister getting engaged before you,

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