Her Desert Treasure (Entangled Ignite)
way toward them. He didn’t even think, just bolted forward to grasp her hands and tugged her to him.
    “Jake? What’s wrong?” Her violet eyes were wide with confusion, but he didn’t give her a chance to back away.
    “Everything is fine.” He took a deep breath. “I need a favor.”
    “Okay. Sure. I mean, if I can.”
    “Great.” He turned and pulled her with him across the lot. He grinned when they reached his parents. “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Megan Reynolds. My…girlfriend.”
    What the hell? This was the favor? Meg didn’t know who was more surprised by Jake’s declaration. His parents’ expressions mirrored the confusion she, herself, felt. His grip on her hand tightened, but his thumb stroked her wrist soothingly, telling her, she had a feeling, to just go with this, he’d explain later.
    “Meg, these are my parents, Robert and Linda Matthews.”
    Jake’s dad offered his hand first. “I have to say it’s a surprise, but I’m happy to meet you, Megan.”
    Hoping her face didn’t show her bewilderment, Meg said, “It’s…um, nice to meet you, too, Mr. Matthews.”
    He winked as if they shared a secret joke. “Call me Bob. And this is my wife, Linda.”
    Nodding, she turned and extended her hand to Jake’s mom, who gaped at her. “Mrs. Matthews.”
    “Girlfriend? Jacob—”
    Jake and his father spoke at the same time, the same warning tone in their voices. His mother collected herself before turning a weak smile her way. “It’s very nice to meet you, Megan.”
    “And this is Kristen Johnson.” Jake turned Meg to make the introduction. “Her parents are old family friends.”
    “Nice to meet you.”
    Kristen’s eyes flashed when Meg held out her hand, her expression stating loudly that this was not a nice surprise.
    What had she gotten herself into?
    An uneasy silence descended until Linda said, “Jacob, it’s awfully hot out here. Maybe we should go inside now.”
    He nodded. “Make yourself at home, Mom. I’ll get your bags and be right behind you.” While his mother and Kristen made their way to the house, his father hung back to help with the luggage. “Dad, go on in and grab a beer. I’ll get this.”
    “Are you kidding?” His belly laugh caught Meg by surprise. “I didn’t think it was possible, son, but your mother was actually speechless. I wondered how you were going to handle Kristen joining us unexpectedly, but this is better than I could have imagined.”
    Jake eyed him in disbelief. “How could you let her get away with this? You know there was never anything between Kristen and me.”
    Bob shrugged. “I told your mother to stay out of your business, but she was convinced your love life needed a nudge.” Then to Meg. “Sorry, honey. Jake didn’t tell us about you. I never would have put you in such an uncomfortable position if I’d known.”
    She offered him an understanding smile, taking in the similarities between him and Jake. Jake had his father’s eyes and bone structure. They shared the same deep dimples when they smiled.
    The dimples she’d fantasized dipping her tongue into the first time she’d seen Jake grin. She blinked the thought away. What she needed to be thinking about was what Jake was up to and exactly what kind of favor she’d agreed to.
    “Give us a minute, Dad. We’ll be right in.”
    His father nodded and took two suitcases with him into the house. When he was out of earshot, Jake turned to her, looking guilty, amused, and a little bit terrified all at the same time.
    He also looked sexy as hell.
    “You’re, uh, probably wondering what that was all about.” He rubbed the back of his neck and scuffed the toe of his boot in the gravel.
    Meg almost smiled. He knew he was busted, and she should be angry with him for putting her on the spot, but he was so damn cute she couldn’t muster up any real hostility. She couldn’t let him off the hook so easily, though. Hands on her hips, she

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