Heavy Hearts

Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke

Book: Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Kaemke
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I’m here though. I know you have no reason to say yes, but please meet me tonight for dinner I have something important I need to talk to you about. I can’t even begin to apologize for the things I said last summer, but please Lucy, please just give me one chance and hear me out.” He begs.
    I loosen my clenched jaw and take a deep breath forcing any possible tears away. I learned quickly how to stop myself from crying after needing to be excused from classes when one stupid word would make me think of him and I would explode in sorrow.
    “I actually have a date tonight, Simon, so I can’t indulge you this evening,” I want to tell him just to get back on a plane and return to Southwark, but I do need to hear what he has to say; I need some closure still. But, I do enjoy the fact that I can rub my date with Malcolm in his face. “If you want, we can have lunch tomorrow.” I’ll give him that.
    “A date?!” He roars. His new tint of green jealousy turns me into that bitchy high school brat that dangled all the things she had that you lacked right in front of your nose; taunting you with her shiny new toys. But for once it was me who had the new toys, or boy I guess I should say, and I can’t help rubbing it in Simon’s face to make him squirm. He deserves it.
    “Yes, Simon. What , am I just supposed to sit around all the time and mope over you? I’ve dated plenty since we last saw each other.” I lie, of course, but he doesn’t need to know that my first year in college was spent eating ice cream all night while attempting to study for English lit and intro to journalism. He can think that I’ve been seeing other people, forgetting about him.
    “Yes, well… who is this tosser?”
    “Simon! Be nice, and that’s none of your business.” I snap.
    “Well, what time is this date ?” He says the word like it tastes bad rolling off his tongue.
    “Not that that is any of your business either, but nine.” Most of me needs him to leave me alone, to just go back to where he came from, but there is a part of me that wants to tell Malcolm to forget it and go rekindle the flame between this British God and I.
    “And he’s picking you up here?” He wonders.
    “Yes… why?”
    “I’ll wait for him. I could use a good party and from the looks of it…” he scans the room and finds something worth mentioning, but in reality this party is not the party of a normal nineteen year old girl… it’s the party of a debutant. Classical music is oozing out of the speakers strategically placed all over the house, wait staff walks around with trays of hors d'oeuvres and champagne, and the rooms are filled with friends and family of Grandma Whitten's. “Well… there’s booze, so that’s something.” Is all that he can manage to say.
    “Why are you going to stay? It’s not like you even know anyone here…” I can’t tell yet how I feel about him being here when Malcolm gets back. On the one hand I don’t want to have to explain Simon to Malcolm, but on the other hand I want Simon to be as jealous as possible, and seeing Malcolm in all his perfect glory he will definitely feel envy.
    “Well, I know you, don’t I?” He gives me the big puppy dog eyes and I can feel myself beginning to melt. I need to get away from him before he has me completely under his spell again.
    “Do as you please.” I scold, being as distant and uncaring as possible. “I need to go mingle with my guests.” I leave him standing there like a lost child as he scans the room. He’s most likely searching for Adam or Suzette, but he won’t find them. They had important wedding stuff to conduct, as the maid of honor I should really be with them, but they couldn’t get out of their appointment with the dress designer who is booked solid for the next six months, and I obviously wasn’t getting out of my own birthday party. We agreed that it was okay to spend this one apart, and I would be with Suzette when the dress was ready for her

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