Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2)

Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2) by Kailin Gow Page B

Book: Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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Moore take this new turn of events?  “I wish you hadn’t.  I don’t really want to get the authorities involved.”
    He sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand.  “I’ve never been particularly good at making up stories.  I suspected you’d rather I not mention Shayne, but I just didn’t know what else to tell them.”
    “Did you mention Shayne to the police or just the doctor?”
    “It’s a nurse who asked about you, though she did mention that she would notify the police about the attack.”
    “Good.  If and when I’m questioned… well, I’ll think of something to say.”
    “I also contacted your parents.”
    “Thank, that’s really sweet and thoughtful of you.”
    “They should be here any minute.”
    I closed my eyes, my head pounding as if Shayne still had me in her clutches, banging my skull to the floor.
    “You okay?”
    “Yeah.”  I opened my eyes and was touched by the concern in his eyes.
    “How did she manage to cause such damage?”
    “Element of surprise.  I didn’t see her coming, not one bit.  Before I even knew it was her, she was all over me. And…”  I thought of the one brief moment when I could have had the upper hand.  “And she’s Moore’s sister.”
    Asher pressed his lips into a disapproving line.  “Is that the real reason you don’t want the police involved?”
    “I like taking care of business my way.”
    “Playing vigilante?  Taking the law into your own hands?”
    “Cops and robbers have nothing to do with the world of angels and demons.”
    Nodding his understanding, he squeezed my hand.
    “Lux, honey.”  Mom rushed in, her brow creased with worry and her eyes already brimming with tears.
    “Mom.”  I reached out for her hand as she came around to the other side of the bed.  “Don’t cry.  I’m fine.”
    “No, sweetie.  Fine is when I come home from work to find you safe and sound and you tell us about your day at school as we all sit down for dinner.  Coming here to find you bruised and battered…”
    “And with a concussion,” Dad added as he came up behind her.
    “It’s a mild concussion.” Setting my fingers a fraction of an inch apart, I held up my hand to show just how minor a concussion it was.
    “It’s serious enough to keep you here overnight,” Mom argued.
    “Speaking of which…” Dad leaned over to kiss my brow.  “There’s some paperwork that needs my John Hancock.”
    “Sorry for all the hassle this is causing you.  I hate to see you guys miss out on work because of a stupid fight.”
    “Don’t worry about that, pumpkin head.” Dad ruffled my hair, but stopped at the first sign of a pain filled grimace.  “I was in the midst of a very dull meeting when Asher called.”  He looked up at him with a grateful nod.
    Still holding my hand, Asher said, “I’m just happy I was able to reach you both.  I’m sorry it took so long, but I had a bit of trouble finding the right number to call.”
    With another kiss to my brow, Dad took a hold of Mom’s elbow and guided her to the door.  “We’ll get all the insurance stuff out of the way and be right back.”
    “We’re going to stop at the cafeteria to pick up a bite.  You want anything special?”  Mom asked.
    “Yeah, the food up here risks being unpalatable,” Dad added.
    “Thanks, but I’m good.”
    My parents walked out the door only slightly less worried and distraught as when they’d walked in.
    “Cool parents,” Asher said.  “Hell, I just spent a month in prison and my parents couldn’t be bothered.  You're in here all of two hours and your parents are at your side.”
    “Yeah, they are pretty cool.”  I squeezed his hand, hoping to alleviate the guilt I felt for his lame parents.  “I can see how they appreciate you.”
    He was silent and pensive for a long moment.  “Good to see someone who doesn’t want to wring my neck because of the Kingsley thing.”
    “My parents never believed you had anything to do with

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