Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2)

Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2) by Kailin Gow Page A

Book: Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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began to diminish just enough to allow me to sit up.  “My head.”
    “Yeah,” he said with a relieved chuckle.  “She got in a few good bangs before I could jump in.”
    “She was killing me,” I muttered softly.
    “I heard you… you called for me to help.  You were so reluctant at first, I didn’t know whether you really needed me or not.”
    “Blame it on misplaced pride.  Admitting I can’t handle a battle isn’t easy.”
    He smiled.  “I’m just happy to see you're okay.”
    “I guess you really are my guardian.”
    “That I am, and from now on I’ll come running at the first sign of trouble, your misplaced pride or not.”  He kissed me again, this time bringing his lips to mine with brewing passion.
    Though I appreciated him more than he could fathom, the kiss left me with an uncomfortable sensation and I pulled back.  “I’m happy you're free.  I missed you.”
    “Yeah, me too.”  He sat back and flicked his hair off his face.  If offended by my rebuff, he didn’t make a show of it.  “I see you also have two other guys who care enough about you… enough to help you get me out.”
    Through the throbbing in my head, I felt the heat of blush on my face and noticed Asher’s subsequent grin.
    “Don’t sweat it,” he said.  “It’s good to know they’re there for you… even if I do still reserve some doubt where Moore is concerned.  Makes my job easier knowing they’re looking out for you… besides, who knows how the whole murder trial thing is going to work out.”
    I ran my hand over his stubbled chin.  “I’m not going to let you go down for something you didn’t do.”
    Leaning into me, he nuzzled my neck and breathed in heavily. “You smell so fresh, so sweet… just like honeysuckle. I would devour you…”
    “But,” I put my hand to his chest.  “You won't, right?”
    He snorted and glanced at the floor before meeting my gaze.  “Is it because of Brax?”
    “It’s complicated, Asher.”
    An indignant grimace came and went from his features.  “What… is it? Moore?  I thought he just came around to the court house to provide the cash.  Is there more going on between you two?”
    “Asher, so much has been happening.”  How could I explain the special bond I had with each of them?  How could I tell him of the attraction I had, the affection…?
    He nodded his understanding, but his lips remained tight. “Can you stand?” With a firm hold of me, he steadied me as I got to my shaky legs.  “We should get you to the hospital.”  He tapped my temple with his finger.  “Make sure everything in there is still in order.”
    I wanted to argue; there was so much to do and going to the hospital would waste precious time.  “You're the guardian.  I’ll do whatever you think is best.”
    He grinned and I instantly knew where his thoughts had turned.  “Spending a whole lot of time with me is what I think is best.”
    “That’s a given.”
    He laughed.  “And what do you want to do about blond, spoiled and bitchy over there?”
    We turned to find only a splattering of blood where she’d lain.
    Shayne had disappeared.

    Chapter 12
    T he final count turned out to be scores of lacerations and contusions, a broken wrist, a cracked rib and a light concussion.
    “We’re going to keep you overnight, keep an eye on you and if everything looks good, you can leave tomorrow morning. Then,” Dr. Sorensen said as he gave me a warning glance over my chart, “I recommend you take it easy for a few days.”
    “Sure thing.”  I sank into the flimsy pillow of the hospital bed I’d been allotted and watched the young attractive doctor walk out.  The moment the door closed, I turned to Asher.  “What d’you tell them?  How did you explain all this?”
    I held up the cast that had already been set over my wrist.
    “I told them the truth.  I told them about Shayne.”
    Chewing on my lip, I looked at him with a disappointed pout.  How would

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