Healing Faith
enough to keep a proper distance, Hannah. Perhaps that is why
he keeps his distance now. And if it were to become something
deeper, you should be glad for him, and for her. Perhaps that is
why God brought her to us. She needs something as well, or she
would have remained in her world. We are here to provide whatever
she needs to find her way."
    "Just do not ask me to include her in my
    It was quiet for a moment in the kitchen.
    "Your wedding is of course your own. I am sad you
would not welcome your sister into your celebration."
    "She is not my sister."
    The voices in the kitchen grew too low for me to
hear, but I had heard enough. Emma and Abigail whispered out my
name as I walked away down the hall. I was intent on going upstairs
to find my things and leave. Regardless of the friendships I had
made with this family, it was bound to end sometime. At least
Hannah had in her head that I would not remain here, and I
respected her for her standoffish behavior towards me. She had been
honest. The part of their lives that they had allowed me to
experience was well and good for learning about them. It didn't
mean I would make a life here. I was moving towards the front door
to avoid them when I heard footsteps ahead of me at the door.
    "Pleasant morning, Katherine," came the booming voice
as the door opened towards me. Mark stood there, Jonah in his
shadow. I shuffled to a stop from my retreat, plastering a stilted
smile on my face at the men before me.
    "Pleasant morning, Mark. Jonah," I replied, nodding
to both of them and turned reluctantly to make my way back towards
the kitchen.
    I entered the kitchen to four sets of eyes watching
me. Emma tried to smile apologetically as Fannie moved towards me
and hugged me quickly before moving to set the table. Hannah simply
turned back around to finish cooking the eggs in the large skillet.
It was obvious that Emma had said something about us overhearing
the conversation. The tension was overbearing as I stood there,
watching Jonah and Mark take in the scene. It took Jonah's bright
voice to break the awkward silence.
    "I am famished! Hannah, whatever you are cooking
smells delicious! I am sure Mark is excited to break fast with you
every morning if he has to look forward to this every day!" he
exclaimed and rested his hand lightly on my shoulder as if in
support for a moment before moving to his seat.
    Mark moved past me and settled in next to Jonah,
speaking softly about the day's events. I helped Emma with bringing
out the meal, avoiding Hannah's cold stare every time I passed. It
was only once I was seated beside Emma that Hannah spoke up.
    "I wonder if Nathan will join us this morning," she
said lightly, sitting comfortably beside Mark. Her eyes flicked
over to me for a moment, a knowing smirk on her lips at my
    Jonah shook his head and reached for the
    "I spoke with him at dawn. He sends his regrets at
not breaking fast. He wanted to be on his way to Elder Wittmer's,"
Jonah said pointedly and passed the biscuits around. I remained
quiet, focused on the eggs on my plate.
    Did the Amish gossip as much as we did in our world?
Or was I simply that obvious about my conflicted feelings? I had a
feeling the day at the Frolic was going to be nothing short of
humiliating, with either him making a show of ignoring me, or of
providing gossip for this community and me stammering like an
idiot. And for that, I was determined not to embarrass Nathan or
myself at the Frolic.
    I would behave myself and remain distant, regardless
of what Emma or Abigail thought.
    The Amish man didn't need any more drama in his life,
certainly not from me.
    Emma watched me carefully as we cleaned and packed up
everything to prepare to leave. I tried to offer her a smile, to
let her know I was fine with what I had been through, but her eyes
seemed to penetrate through me, as if she could see all my
    Fannie ushered us out with our food, patting me
gently on the shoulder as we made our

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