Hawking a Future
Chapter One
    Hayley Hyland kept her face impassive as another survivor told her story. Her senses were pricked for any changes in heart rate or major signs of distress. The counsellor did most of the heavy lifting; she was just here for the panic.
    “The last thing I remember was getting into my car outside the grocery store.” The young woman was sitting with her hands flattened to her thighs, her hair straight and her eyes hollow.
    She continued her tale of being abducted, imprisoned and abused at the hands of the elves who considered her a fuckable animal.
    Hayley focused on the fluttering pulse of the woman next to the speaker. She gave the counsellor a slight nod, and the woman’s eyes flicked in acknowledgement.
    The panicking patient slowly breathed more easily, and when the speaker finished, the counsellor called an end to the day’s session.
    Hayley moved from her post and headed over to Molly’s side.
    “I managed to calm her, but do you know the trigger?”
    “The reference to the cuffs and collar. She started to panic when they were mentioned, and it got worse as the abuse was described. She was about to shift, so I let you know.”
    “Thanks, Hayley. Do you know what you are going to do after this group completes?”
    They began walking through the halls as the group session broke up and the patients left with their attendants.
    “I will go back to my day job. My family leave is almost up, so I will either have to go back or find a new place to work.” She shrugged. Hayley had taken every form of leave possible when she was called to monitor the newest survivors of the latest raid on a fey compound. That had turned into three more raids and a total of seventy souls that were on the edge of suicide and who needed constant monitoring for signs of depression and panic. Self-injury was a definite possibility.
    “We will dearly miss you. You have been a godsend.” Molly sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.
    “The Council asked and I came. The same reason you are here. Your Guild called and you came. I don’t have a magical talent like you do, but I have done what I could.”
    “And you and your senses have done very well.”
    Hayley smiled and turned to face the briskly stepping being approaching them. Counsellor Dennis had a tense look on his face.
    “Hayley, there is someone here to speak with you. You had best get to the offices. We can’t have them roaming around.”
    Hayley reached out, squeezed Molly’s hand and headed through the wide and bright halls to the offices.
    If there was someone waiting that Dennis didn’t want to mention, it couldn’t be good.
    Two tall and pale figures waited for her. They were dressed with understated elegance, long trousers, polished shoes and immaculate snow-white shirts covered by the dove-grey trench coats that hung open a discreet amount.
    Their pale-green eyes, long white-flax hair and the pointed ears extending out of the silky locks told her that they were the first fey she had ever seen in the flesh.
    The office manager smiled in relief. “Here she is. I have cleared the inner boardroom for you. Please make this quick.”
    Hayley nodded. “I will try.”
    “Hayley Hyland?” The one on the left spoke quietly in chiming tones.
    “Yes. Please, come with me.” She gestured and walked with the two fey trailing after her.
    Inside the boardroom, she closed the door behind them and gestured for them to have a seat at the long table.
    She waited and one of them finally spoke.
    “You are Hayley Hyland?”
    She nodded. “I am. Who might you be?”
    “I am Seer Mijak.” The one on the left pressed his hand to his heart and bowed.
    “I am Seer Lencor.” The one on the right repeated the gesture.
    “I didn’t think they let the seers out.” Hayley was going over what she knew about the organization of the fey.
    The men cocked their heads as one. Though their features were different, their colouring marked them as linked in ways beyond

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