Harder (Sensual Biker Romance, Spanking, Dark Romance)

Harder (Sensual Biker Romance, Spanking, Dark Romance) by Elizabeth Wilde

Book: Harder (Sensual Biker Romance, Spanking, Dark Romance) by Elizabeth Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Wilde
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“Eat up that's the last of it,” I say smiling down at my only friend Star.
    I lean down and stroke her soft silky tiger print fur.  She growls as I touch her back; she is a smug little thing I think to myself.
    “I didn't know it would be so hard,” I say as I slide against the concrete wall underpass and pull my knees up to my chest.  My hands are like ice as I hold them around my black tights; I rub my cold legs and bring my hands up to my mouth. I slowly blow on them.  I can hear Star purring when I hear the rumble overcome her sound.  It is three men dressed in leathers head to toe on big shiny metal bikes.  The only image of a biker I had to compare it to was one based on Hollywood movies; somehow, I knew inside that these men were going to be darker and rougher than that.
    Their bikes circle around and I try to hide myself behind a rusty metal barrel near us.  When their bikes come to a stop, I can hear the big fat one with a scar on his face, “They better show,” he barks to the other two.  My heart starts to race maybe it was a drug deal or some nefarious drop off.  My friend Shannon would never believe me when I went home. I shake my head remember I have no home now.
    “Rusty, I swear to fucking god and Jesus if this isn't legit I am going to bash for your tiny little pathetic skull in,” The big one says as he swings above the small thin man's head. “Rick, I know this guy is serious he has the goods,” Rusty says.
    “Fuck this,” the third one says as he sits back on his leather seat. His bike is the most ornate with a big skull etched into the side of it.  I lean and peak out from the barrel as I study these bikers. 
    “Frank isn't going to be happy if this turns out to be another Vegas,” he says. I hear his voice clear and realize he sounds younger than he appears.  He looks healthier than the other two and his arms are exposed, they look like guns, nice tidy tight muscle packed bulges of tight sinew, my eyes travel down his arm to his big hands, which appear to be clean. 
    His haircut is short with spikes, I watch as he pulls out a box of cigs and lights up offering the others one.
    Suddenly Star meows, stretches herself out in front of her can of fancy feast cat food.  I nervously look at her from the barrel and motion for her to be quiet.  That is when I can hear the boots n the gravel coming towards us. I close my eyes tight and try to hide myself into a tiny ball but I know if they come over to pet her I will be seen.
    With each weighted step, I hear I worry.  I feel my hands start to tremble.  I can smell his leather before he reaches me.  I hear the crinkle sound of his leathers as he bends down; I open my eyes and see him. 
    My heart drops as he looks over at me and he smiles, “Chance, what the fuck you are doing?” I hear the big man call to him.  Chance winks at me while continuing to pet Star.  She rolls over on her belly.
    “Traitor,” I whisper softly.  It was unusual to see her trust someone other than me.
    She purrs happily as this strange muscled man pets her softly.
    “Petting a pussy,” he calls back as he maintains eye contact with me.  I feel my skin become hot knowing he probably can tell I am blushing. 
    He reaches out and puts his burning cigarette on the grown laying flat as if it to give it to me. “That's really cute but we have business to do here,” Big Rick barks.
    “I don't see anyone here, and Frank put me in charge of this so you need to calm the fuck down,” he says as he stands up tall. With his shoulders, back I could see how a guy like chance could intimidate a man like Big Rick.
    “Sorry, Chance,” Big Rick says backing down.
    That is when I see a small slip of paper drop to the ground. It lands next to Star and I quickly slip my hand out and pull it in towards me.  As I unroll it, I hear other bikes pull up, but don't pay attention as I look down at a phone number and

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