Hard To Love

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Book: Hard To Love by Sabrina Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina Ross
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then asked if I wanted to go home with him.
I’m sure they are quite similar,” I growled.
“Oh.” She screwed her lips to the side. “Sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Now you do,” I huffed. I felt terrible even though I never
instigated either situation.
“Well, let’s drink our woes away.” She linked her arm with
“What woes do you have?” I scoffed.
“None, but I will drink to yours.” She laughed.
I rolled my eyes but laughed along with her. The music got
louder as we walked around the side of the house to the backyard.
The weather wasn’t quite cold enough to force us inside, and there
were heat lamps around the patio.

    After an hour, I should have realized it was time to leave when
everyone started to stumble around and then Cassie suggested a
game of Truth or Dare. With at least fifteen of us, the game could
go on for hours, and only three were coupled up. I pushed my
chair away from the circle that had been created around the
bonfire. That wasn’t the type of game I was interested in playing,
especially with Nick around. Cassie started to announce the rules
as she pulled my chair closer to the group. I shook my head,
pleading with her to stop. She laughed and shook her head.
    “If you refuse to
make a choice, you must take a drink or be
thrown in the pool.” She laughed, repeatedly pointing her finger at
me. I shook my head, glaring at her. “Who’s first?” she said,
putting a bottle of tequila on the table with a shot glass.
    “You, since it’s your game
,” Charlie replied, pulling her down
on his lap, and wrapping his arms around her.
“Okay, fine, I’ll start,” she said. “Dare.”
“I dare you to kiss Simone,” Charlie said without hesitation.
Cassie rolled her eyes and got up from his lap. Charlie watched
with a grin on his face.
“Wow, we’re starting heavy already.” Trevor laughed.
When it came around to me, I refused and boos ensued. I was
forced to take a shot of tequila. I choked back the shot, grabbing
my beer to wash it down, rethinking my strategy. But I wasn’t the
only one who refused to play. Nick passed as well with a full shot
glass already in his hand. What I noticed was everyone was
choosing me on purpose, and after the fourth shot I gave in.
    If I took another shot, I
was pretty sure it wouldn’t stay down.
The next time it came around to me, I thought I would be smart
and pick truth, since no one else had. Cassie had gone inside at
that time to grab another bottle of tequila from her parents’ liquor
    “Is it true that you smacked
Nick at Gravity over the weekend?”
Rebecca asked, leaning in with a huge smile on her face. I gasped
and totally wanted to deny it, but it was obvious some of them had
seen me do it.
“Yes.” I blushed and glanced over at Nick, who smiled.
    “Your turn to pick someone,”
Cassie said as she sat down. I
looked around the table, trying to decide who I would pick.
“Charlie, truth or dare?” I asked.
“Truth.” He smirked. I had no idea what to ask him because I
honestly didn’t care.
“What was the most dishonest thing you have ever done?” I
asked, sipping my beer.
He thought about it for a minute, then smiled and replied,
“When I was eighteen, I slept with my best friend’s sister.” He
laughed. Everyone laughed while booing him.
I pulled my legs up, hugging them against my chest. The
alcohol was kicking in real good now. At one point I couldn’t stop
laughing, and when someone else chose me again and I took a
shot, most if it didn’t make it in my mouth. Embarrassed, I wiped
my chin and neck with the sleeve of my sweater. The next time
my name was called, I chose dare, I didn’t want to admit to any
more truths about myself. Rebecca’s smile widened, and she
looked over at Nick, then back at me. Rebecca was more
interested in what I would do than anyone else.
“I dare you to kiss Nick.” Everyone hooted and hollered. “But it
has to be with

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