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Book: Hard by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
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whispered before letting her go. “Did it hurt much? Are you okay? How do you feel?”
    “No so much. It hurt a little at first, but he was very gentle with me. I think it helped that I was a pretty tipsy. And I feel okay. I was afraid I would regret it, but I don’t. So yeah, feeling pretty good about myself,” Lindy said with a smile.
    “Good for you! You have nothing to be ashamed of. So you got laid and drunk in the same night? A twofer for you! Tell me, what’s he look like under that leather. How’s he packing?”
    “Spectacular,” Lindy gushed, warming to the subject. “He’s hard as a rock with no fat on him anywhere. The first time, last night, he—”
    “Wait! The first time? How many times did you two do it?”
    “Just twice. Once last night and once again this morning. Why?”
    “I’m impressed. I was too sore to do it more than once my first time. Did you bleed?”
    “No, thank god. He took his time and had me well lubricated. He spent a long time…kissing…me down there.”
    “Did you orgasm?” Bridget asked, her eyes bright as she hung on every word.
    “Yes. Once last night, twice this morning.”
    Lindy couldn’t help but smile. “I thought I was going to pass out. I had, uh, pleased myself before, but those orgasms where nothing like the one last night and my first one this morning.”
    Bridget smiled. “Sounds like you enjoyed it. I’m glad for you, I really am. Are you going to see him again?”
    Lindy couldn’t help but smile. “I think so.”
    “Ho…ly…shit,” Bridget drawled out. “My little sister has done gone and got herself a biker boyfriend. Mom and Dad are going to shit when they find out.”
    “You can’t tell them!”
    “I won’t, but how long do you think you can hide it?” Bridget smiled, but there was a bit of sadness in it. “Enjoy it while you can. You deserve to have your toes curled.” She paused then put her hand on Lindy’s. “I’m a little jealous of you right now.”
    “What? Why?”
    “Because everything is going to be so new and exciting for you. You remember how I said I missed the fire? I have a feeling you are about to find out what I mean. It sounds like Treble is a good guy, despite the bad boy image, and it sounds like he knows how to please a woman. For as long as it lasts, I want you to enjoy it. Now is the time to enjoy life before you are weighed down with obligations.”
    Bridget reached over and pulled Lindy into another hug, holding her tight, and Lindy wasn’t sure if Bridget was trying to reassure her, or if she was drawing strength from her, or, perhaps, both. When they parted, Lindy could see tears in her sister’s eyes.
    Bridget laughed then wiped at her eyes. “If you need any advice, you know where to come, right?”
    Lindy felt a bit out of sorts by Bridget’s reaction. “Yeah. Bridget Wills, the Willis family sex-pert.”
    “And don’t you forget it! Now get out. I have to go home and put some ice on this tattoo. But if you go out with Treble J again, I want hear all about it. Promise?”
    Lindy smiled. It was a unique position having Bridget wanting details of her love life, and she found she liked it. “I promise.”
    Lindy was in the small kitchen of her apartment, preparing her dinner of fresh greens with Quinoa and chicken, when her phone rang. She quickly wiped her hands and picked up the phone.
    “Hello?” she asked tentatively, not recognizing the number.
    “Lindy, J. J. Treble. Have you eaten?”
    “No, not yet. Why?”
    “Because I’m going to take you to dinner. I know a place.”
    “I thought you were going to call me tomorrow.”
    “I changed my mind. I decided I would rather see you tonight.”
    “Well, uh, I…” she began, unsure of what to do.
    “It’s just dinner.”
    “Okay. But, well, why don’t you come over here. I can

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