Hannibal Enemy of Rome

Hannibal Enemy of Rome by Ben Kane

Book: Hannibal Enemy of Rome by Ben Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Kane
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at Suniaton. ‘Did you hear that?’
    Stricken, his friend nodded.
    Hanno frantically stood on tiptoe, but the press on the quay was too great.
    With a brutal yank, the Egyptian pulled on the chain, forcing his captives to follow. ‘It’s only a short walk to the slave market,’ he announced with a cruel smile.
    Hanno dragged his feet, but the pull around his neck was inexorable. To his immense distress, within a dozen paces he could no longer discern his mother tongue from the plethora of other languages being spoken. It was as if the last window of opportunity had been shut in their faces. It felt a crueller blow than anything that had befallen them thus far.
    A tear rolled down Suniaton’s cheek.
    ‘Courage,’ Hanno whispered. ‘Somehow we will survive.’
    How? his mind screamed.

Chapter IV: Manhood

    THE BEAR LUNGED at his feet, and Quintus lashed out, delivering a flurry of kicks in its direction. He had to bite his tongue not to scream in terror. At this rate, the animal would seize him by the thigh, or groin. The pain would be unbelievable, and his death lingering, rather than the swift end suffered by the Gaul. Quintus could think of no way out. Desperately, he continued flailing out with his
. Confused, the animal growled, and it batted at him with a giant paw. It half ripped off one of Quintus’ sandals.
    A moan of fear ripped free of his lips at last.
    Footsteps pounded towards Quintus, and relief poured through his veins. His life might not be over. He was simultaneously consumed by shame. He did not want to live the rest of his days known as the coward who had had to be rescued from a bear.
    ‘HOLD!’ shouted his father.
    ‘But Quintus—’ Agesandros protested.
    ‘Must do this on his own. He said so himself,’ Fabricius muttered. ‘Stand back!’
    Waves of terror washed over Quintus. In obeying his wishes, his father was consigning him to certain death. He closed his eyes. Let it be quick, please. A moment later, he realised that the bear had not pressed home its attack. Quintus peered at the animal, which was still only a few steps away. Was it Agesandros’ charge, or his father’s voice that had caused it to hesitate? He wasn’t sure, but it gave him an idea. Taking a deep breath, Quintus let out a piercing cry. The animal’s small ears flattened, which encouraged him to repeat the shrill sound. This time, he waved his arms as well.
    To Quintus’ immense relief, the bear backed off a pace. He was able to climb to his feet, still shrieking his head off. Unfortunately, his spear wasbeyond his reach. It lay right beneath the animal’s front paws. Quintus knew that without it, he had no chance of success. Nor would there be any pride to be had in driving off the bear with noise. He had to regain his weapon and kill it. Swinging his arms like a madman, he took a step towards it. The animal’s head swung suspiciously from side to side, but it gave way. Remembering Agesandros’ advice about what to do if confronted by a bear in the forest, Quintus redoubled his efforts. His damaged sandal was still attached to his calf by its straps, and he had to take great care how he placed his feet. Despite this hindrance, it wasn’t long before he regained his spear.
    Quintus could have cheered. The animal was now looking all around it, searching for a way to escape, but there was no easy way. Fabricius had directed the others to spread out. They formed a loose circle around the pair. The remaining dogs filled the air with an eager clamour. His courage renewed, Quintus went on the offensive. After all, the bear was wounded. It had to be within his ability to kill it now.
    He was mistaken.
    Every time he stabbed his spear at the animal, it either snapped at the blade, or swept it out of the way with its massive arms. Quintus’ heart thumped off his ribs. He would have to go a lot closer. How, though, could he deliver a death stroke without coming within range of its deadly claws? The

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