Guardian Domination

Guardian Domination by Breanna Hayse

Book: Guardian Domination by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
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spanked, just get yelled at and grounded. That must be awful. I mean, you’re eighteen, right? How can they get away with that?”
    “Jace was given full conservatorship of me until I turn twenty-one and regain my ‘adult’ rights and Mark was named as a legal guardian. They can legally do whatever they want to and, frankly, they don’t care about how old I am. And, yeah… well… it’s pretty bad,” I admitted, rubbing Torque’s tummy. “But at least it’s over and done with, and they always hold me afterwards. They don’t believe in locking me away. Probably because I’d get into more trouble.” I smiled.
    “I dunno,” Cara shifted on the bed. “I really hate being stuck in my room like a prison. I’m like you, we live in the middle of nowhere so it’s boring enough. But no TV, computer or cell phone, plus the silent treatment… it’s like solitary confinement in Alcatraz. I think I’d rather be spanked.”
    “You should ask your dad then,” I suggested. “It’s embarrassing, but maybe it would work for you.”
    “Oh, I would DIE before I did that!” Cara shuddered. “Well, here’s my number. Call me sometime?”
    We exchanged information with promises to keep in touch and hopefully make plans to see each other again.
    “That would be fun… As long as your family doesn’t pull that spank bit on ME,” she frowned.
    I couldn’t help but laugh, I could tell she was really curious. “No guarantee, especially if you got into trouble.” I eyed her. “I doubt they would ignore it.”
    “Maybe just a little trouble?” she giggled evilly.
    I shook my head. “Be careful what you wish for.”
    Time ticked by as I waited for the telltale signs of Jace’s arrival. His heavy footsteps up wood steps, greeted by loud, excited barks, preceded the knock at the door. Jace greeted me with a quick hug and then lifted my chin up to look into his eyes. I could read everything there. He really didn’t look very angry. In fact, his eyes told me he had been expecting something like this.
    I swallowed, wondering how I was going to function once the element of surprise was gone. He was then on the ground and loving on the dogs, laughing as Torque wiggled in, demanding as much attentions as the girls.
    Cara giggled as Jace struggled to get up from the happy animals for their introductions, charming her immediately with his warm, attentive gaze and gentle smile. On her final hug with me, she whispered, “Good luck; he looks strong. And he’s super cute….”
    The drive was very quiet as the girls settled down and I contemplated my next move. Deciding to break the silence, I began to describe how well the dogs performed in all their categories and unwisely added that they had, once again, come in first in obedience trials.
    “At least I know two of my girls know how to behave,” he said quietly.
    I shrunk in my seat, feeling like I was five. He sounded so old all of a sudden, making our thirteen year age difference feel like centuries.
    “Jace, I’m sorry. She started it. She was insulting the girls and you,” I told him about her instigation technique and assured him that the lake incident was in self-defense.
    Jace was silent for a while, considering the situation. I took the opportunity to tell him about the other rules I had broken and the reason Perkins was out to get me.
    Jace remained quiet, eyes on the road. “Are you hungry?” he asked, pulling into a restaurant for a stretch break. He hadn’t said two words to me since my confession.
    “Not really. Are you mad at me?”
    “No, I’m just trying to decide how to handle this. I have to admit, I probably would have done the same thing,” he said honestly. “You really decked her?”
    “Yeah, she had one hell of a shiner and a fat lip when I saw her last.” I smiled.
    He leashed the pups and we walked out into the small grassy area. “You do know I am obligated to punish you for this, right? I did tell you no fighting. You could have

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