Guardian Domination

Guardian Domination by Breanna Hayse Page A

Book: Guardian Domination by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
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walked away from the fight after she elbowed you. This is part of your probation issues, Honey.”
    “Yeah, I know. But it really wasn’t my fault and she did jump me when I did walk away.” At least he didn’t care about the rules I broke. “I guess I could have just pinned her and not kept punching. I kind of let my anger take over.”
    I also told him about my talk with Cara and her reaction to my confession. He nodded thoughtfully. “That’s not unusual. Think about how much better you felt when you knew we weren’t going to ignore you or lock you out of sight. It made you feel accepted.”
    “How bad is it going to be?” I asked, my voice small.
    Jace sighed, “Pretty bad. Not like New York, but pretty bad. I won’t have my girl acting as anything other than a dignified lady. And ladies do not get into fist fights.”
    Pretty bad was an understatement. After we got home and settled, Jace called me into his bedroom. He had opened the infamous “second drawer”, and I watched as he removed a thin cane from there, studied it, then swished it in the air a couple of times.
    My stomach turned.
    Jace looked at me and noticed the color draining from my face. “I think it’s high time you learned what obeying my instructions mean. Because of the situation, and the fact that you were provoked, I’m will reduce this to half of what you would ordinarily receive for such an infraction, and the fact it is your first offense. Nine strokes of the cane. Followed by a hand spanking.”
    I was less than relieved. That thing was lethal! Jace flexed it in his hand and pointed to the high-edged bed. Not having the wherewithal to argue and make things worse for myself, I obeyed as I bent over the edge. Holding my breath, I waited. He said nothing about taking down my jeans.
    SWISH! I was not ready for the sharp cutting sensation across my rear-end. I squeaked. Another landed, across my sit spot. “OWWWWW!” I yelled. And yet another across the middle of my bottom, then a fourth one to the back of my thighs. By now, I was dancing in place.
    “Jeans down.” Jace ordered firmly. Hands trembling, I obeyed, tears close to coming. He pointed to the bed and repositioned me. “Three over your panties and then the last two bare.”
    Oh, God! Not that my panties gave me any protection. I shrieked loudly on the first stroke. He took his time, tapping the cane against me as he checked the outside of my thigh. The next landed in the same place across my panty-clad bottom. The tears were coming now and I clutched a pillow, wiggling desperately.
    “Stay still,” Jace ordered, swishing the cane in the air again. It landed with a loud Crack! across my sit spots. I squawked as I reached my hands back to protect myself. “Na, uh, you know better than that, Missy. Move them.”
    Once I gathered the courage to obey, I felt him pull my panties down and inspect my bottom before repositioning himself next to me. “The next two will be fast. Do not move or we will do them again,” he commanded in a voice that I had not heard before. There was something in his tone that clearly said not to disobey, no matter the cost. I clutched the pillow and buried my face. Squeals erupted from my mouth as he administered the final strokes quickly to my bare bottom. Except for clenching, I didn’t move.
    Jace pulled a straight back, armless chair next to the bed and ordered me across his lap.
    He rested his hand on my blazing backside while he reminded me of the importance of obeying his requests and emphasized that fighting, especially as a result of a stupid or thoughtless comment, was never appropriate behavior for a lady. I only heard half of it, anticipating the feel of his hand on my bare, bruised skin.
    The spanking began in Jace’s typical methodical fashion. His rhythm was slow, deliberate and forced me to acknowledge every swat that I was given. It was like he was playing a song in his head as he gradually reddened every inch of my bottom and

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