Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel by David Trebus

Book: Guardian Angel by David Trebus Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Trebus
managed to shine a tiny light into her soul and bring her back from the brink. I mean…thinking about it, is that strange? Humans console each other all the time, use inspiring words, and comfort each other. That can have the same effect.”
    “Oh come on we both know it was nothing like that. The woman wasn’t even awake, and the effect was almost instant. Also, don’t tell me that wasn’t the divine light shining down in response to your song. The symphony heard and leant its strength to your…his pleas.” Michael overheard Jazen argue.
    “I really don’t know, Jazen; this is as surprising to me as it is to you. But...he can see us, he’s different to a normal human. Perhaps this is just part of that. He really is special you know, such a kind, loving soul.” Emotion crept into Jasmine's voice.
    “ Now you're starting to sound like me…” Jazen replied causing Michael to hesitate for a moment. What did he mean by that?
       The Symphony heard the human's song. His gentle voice lifted up borne on his Angel’s wings and joined the great chorus. Metatron heard the change instantly and smiled, a small luxury he allowed himself on occasion. Jasmine and Michael really had been destined for each other since Michael had been born. There was to be another angel assigned to the new born but Metatron had been told to intercede and assign Jasmine for reasons at the time even he didn’t fathom.
    Those reasons now became clear to him, hearing for the first time in decades a human's voice born aloft to join the angels and seeing how strong that it could be. A song that could bring hope, and could heal, probably the most powerful gift anyone on Earth had. It was worth more than fame, than riches, more than career. The simple gift to change people's souls for the better.
    Metatron knew, however, that the gift would attract the attentions of others; the infernal too, would have noticed what just happened. Michael had been of interest to them before, especially to Garamond, the Beast’s hand on Earth. Now he would be a threat to them. When Metatron had asked this question on high and asked what he should do, the reply has been two words.
    “ Have Faith.”
    “This human is more powerful than we had imagined. We must turn him to our cause.” A dark voice spoke from a pool of utter darkness suspended on a wall. The chamber was dimly lit with gothic-style sconces whose flames burned a dull purple. Even this light however could not permeate the dark rippling pool where the voice had come from.
      “I have put things into motion that will corrupt the mortal my lord; we will have him join us.” Garamond despised kneeling to anyone. To this being, however he had no choice.
    “See that he is. Failure on this issue will make me most displeased, Garamond. If you cannot turn him, then you must dispose of him. A mere human cannot be allowed to disrupt the flow of my legions.” The dark voice boomed with malevolent force causing Garamond to wince.
    “ Yes my lord,”  Cowed by the sheer power of his master, Garamond even felt a thrill of fear run through him, shaking his tattered wings. He relished the sensation for a moment letting it fuel his malice and determination to grow in power.
    The dark pool faded, ripples vanishing to leave a mirror. Garamond looked up at his reflection, standing slowly from his prostrate position. His reflection stared back at him with fierce red eyes. He shifted his featherless wings hearing their bones creaking. He stood up straight and walked towards his own Earthly throne room, he hesitated at the doorway still enraptured by his demonic reflection. His legs ended in large, obsidian hooves, which stamped as he moved.
    Garamond looked upon himself and smiled- he was a Prince of Hell. He had gained dominion over the Pit’s works on Earth so long ago in mortal terms, yet to him it felt like yesterday. He still remembered his fall from grace, his corruption

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