Unplanned Love (Savage Love)

Unplanned Love (Savage Love) by Jodi Woody

Book: Unplanned Love (Savage Love) by Jodi Woody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Woody
help pick out a card for Daffyd and Samantha as a thank you for the holiday.
         The card was quickly forgotten as Alyssa spotted a tabloid paper right outside the store. On the front page was a picture of Daffyd and Samantha, under the gazebo on the island, saying their vows. The headlines splattered across the top were ‘Savage Gets Hitched’. She grabbed Seanna by the arm and pulled her to the paper. Seanna bought one and they quickly joined the others.
         Before she sat down at the table, she laid the paper out in front of her mom and Daffyd. It hadn’t taken her long to figure out that the pictures had been taken by Carrie. She sat down and held her head in her hands, trying not to cry. “I’m so sorry Daffyd. This is all my fault.”
         “It was in the gift store,” said Alyssa.
         “What is it?” asked Bryce. Daffyd raised the paper so they could all see the front page.
         “It was Carrie. That was the whole plan all along…somehow they found out who you were,” cried Seanna.
         “But you got the film and the sim card,” said Bryce.
         “Do you know if either of them had a laptop with them?” asked Leal.
         “Oh, I am so stupid! Yes, I saw a laptop on the desk in their room before the wedding,” said Seanna.
         “No wonder she didn’t mind turning over the film and the sim card. They had already downloaded the pictures,” said Daffyd. “They didn’t lose any time getting them published.”
         “Which probably means they had already had a buyer lined up,” Leal observed.
         “Daffyd, I’m so sorry…” sobbed Seanna. Her mother put her arms around her and looked at her husband questioningly.
         “Seanna, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I have been living with this type of thing for years. I’m just sorry that you had to suffer because of this young man’s choice to make an easy buck off of someone else’s private life,” said Daffyd.
         “No more hiding then?” asked Bryce.
         “Well, obviously they know I’m married. But I don’t think I want to reveal anything else yet. Eventually I wanted to go public with my new life, but I just don’t think I’m ready to be any kind of a spokes person for Christianity. It’s still pretty new. When we get home, I’ll see what we can do for damage control. Hopefully they don’t know where we live.”
         “I never mentioned who you were, how could they have known?” asked Seanna.
         “You’d be surprised how they can get their information. I’m sure they had some before he ever approached you in the café,” said Leal.
         “I’m going to look into it as soon as we get back. I want to know who that guy is,” said Daffyd.
         “We need to make sure that Seanna is safe,” demanded Bryce. “Man, now I wish I would have punched him back.”
         “Why don’t we all get some food in our stomachs and you can deal with all of this later. There isn’t anything you can do about it sitting here in the airport,” suggested Sally.
         “I’m not sure there is anything we can do about it any way, you know, spilt milk and all of that. But I do want to make sure that this guy stays out of our lives from here on out,” said Daffyd. “Seanna, don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault. Sally’s right, let’s all eat and spend our last few minutes together enjoying each other’s company.”
         “I don’t think I can eat…” said Seanna sadly.
         “Wow…” said Bryce with his eyebrows in his hairline.
         “What?” asked Alyssa.
         “If Sea, isn’t eating, this must be a bigger deal than we think!” he teased, not being able to handle seeing her so hurt. Seanna’s head shot up and saw he was teasing. She grabbed her straw and shot it across the table at him.
         “Ok…maybe I can eat a little,” she said opening her menu.
         “There’s my little

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