Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance

Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance by Kirsten McCurran

Book: Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance by Kirsten McCurran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsten McCurran
Tags: Erótica
Horrified, Katherine thought they were paying her off, like some kind of whore. She tried giving him back the cash, but he wouldn’t take it.
    “It is the money you should have made for babysitting tonight. I know your time is worth money.”
    “But I didn’t babysit for you. I didn’t earn it, sir.” She did not want to think that she really did.
    “All the same, you will be here a lot and if you don’t have any babysitting money your parents will become suspicious. Use the money to buy an outfit for me if you’d like.”
    Katherine did not like taking the money, but knew she had no choice. Mr. Gardner would not accept it back and he did have a point. And she did need the money. Maybe she would use it to buy some clothes. She quietly said, “thank you,” and tucked it into her jeans pocket.
    Mr. Gardner hugged her tightly and when he kissed her she opened her mouth to him. It was such a hot, passionate kiss that Katherine swooned and eagerly kissed him back. Mr. Gardner was so incredibly sexy, she thought for the first time.
    “I will see you again soon, Kitty,” he said, dismissing her.
    “Yes, sir,” she promised.
    While Katherine made her way home, full of conflicting emotions, Patrick Gardner sat on the couch stroking his wife, who was beside him. Her legs were spread, with one of them across his lap, and he was rubbing her swollen red lips while she relaxed.
    “How do you think tonight went?” he asked.
    “She seemed pretty frightened in the beginning, but as her desires took over from her brain Katherine seemed to slip right into the submissive role. Oh, Patrick.” Tara moaned when he slipped two fingers inside her and slowly moved them in and out.
    “I always had a feeling about her. On the exterior, she seems just like any other good girl her age, but there was always this undercurrent of something else. I’m sure she didn’t even know it was there. How do you know you need something you’ve never even heard of? It’s nice to know I was right. It’s been so long since I took a new submissive I wasn’t sure I still had it. It was a fine idea to add another pet to our games, Tara.”
    “You’ll always have it, dear. But what did you see in her? How did you know? Honestly, I thought she was just like any other girl. Very pretty, sure, but kind of reserved, average.”
    “There’s just something there in some women. I saw it in you the first time you walked into that classroom, seemingly so uptight, but so eager to please. I knew I could mold you into the perfect pet and in all these years you have never disappointed.”
    “Oh, thank you, honey. Right there, yes, rub me there,” Tara gasped, pumping her hips at those invading fingers.
    Patrick rolled to his knees on the floor and began licking Tara’s pussy. He lashed her clit with his tongue and still kept his fingers bent deep inside her. She was wailing and clutching at the couch while she rose closer and closer to her peak. When his tongue zeroed in on her clit he reached up and also tugged on the chain connecting her nipples. Tara screamed and thrashed wildly on the couch, climaxing instantly. Patrick knew her body so well that it hardly required any effort at all for him to get her off anymore. It was one of the reasons he wanted a new challenge. He so loved eating her pussy, something he rarely did in the playroom.
    Pushing Tara on her back on the couch, Patrick dropped his pants and mounted her. He thrust his cock hard and deep inside her, building to a pounding rhythm. Tara clenched around him and her nails dug into his shoulders painfully. He always thought that was a way for her to compensate for the pain he caused in the playroom.
    “God honey, you feel so good. Harder!” Tara cried. She was almost ready to come again.
    “I love you so much, Tara. You’re so fucking sexy!”
    “Sexier than Katherine?” she moaned. It wasn’t a real question, as she was sure of his answer.
    “She’s just a girl, baby.

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