Groom in Training

Groom in Training by Gail Gaymer Martin Page A

Book: Groom in Training by Gail Gaymer Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Gaymer Martin
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back, his head spinning with revelations he needed to deal with. He’d wanted to ask Martin’s opinion. What made them tick and—Forget it. He’d accomplished nothing today.
    “This is a matter of my principle, Martin. The next time you need someone to go for your laundry or babysit Suzette, you’d better find someone other than me.”
    Nick rose and marched to the door.

Chapter Six
    W hen Steph turned down her street, an older car was parked in front of her house—one she didn’t recognize. When she passed it, Steph spotted a man inside. Her stomach tightened. Hal. His dishwater blond hair hung over his ears as he slouched in his seat. She released a lengthy breath, irked that he’d come without calling.
    She supposed he’d warned her with his “I’ll see you soon” as she’d hung up. That had been two weeks earlier. Now here he was. Steph pulled into the driveway, steadied herself and slipped outside.
    A thud resounded as Hal slammed his car door and bounded toward her, his long arms open, his lanky body and pale skin making him look as if he’d never seen the sun. “Steph. I’m here.”
    She managed to step into his embrace, then back away and studied his face, wishing she had a warmer welcome. “How are you?”
    He drew back, still holding her shoulders. “You don’t seem very pleased to see me.”
    “I’m surprised. I expected you to call first.”
    He lengthened his six-foot frame. “I did. Don’t you remember?”
    “I know you called a couple weeks ago, but—” she waved her hand in the air, forcing her lungs to draw in a full breath “—I’m involved in a wedding this weekend so it’s not a great time to entertain.”
    He slipped his arm around her shoulder—a warning sign he needed something—and gave her a one-armed hug. “No need to entertain. I can make myself at home.”
    That’s what she feared. “How’s Dad?”
    “Gnarly as ever.” He dropped his arm and opened the storm door while she slid her key into the lock. “I’ll need one of those.”
    Her brows knit together. “One of what?” She knew very well what he wanted.
    “The key. I can’t make myself at home without a key.”
    She lowered her head rather than make another less-than-pleasant comment.
    As soon as his feet hit the foyer, Fred trotted to his side and sniffed his pant leg.
    “Scram, buster.”
    Too much for Steph, she drew up her shoulders. “It’s Fred, and please say ‘no.’ He understands what that means.” Turning her back on the two of them, she set her tracks for the patio door to let Fred outside; but before she did, Steph had learned to check Martin’s yard. Empty.
    That action made her feel resentful, too. Since Martin’s tirade, she’d been guarded about letting Fred outside, and she wanted it to stop. Why did she live in fear of another confrontation with him? Because of Nick, she assumed. That put him in the middle. She didn’t want to do that.
    She pulled the door open to let Fred outside. When a new dog came for the first day, she liked to leave Fredhome. Though he was welcoming to other dogs, jealousy came into play when she gave the new one added attention.
    Hal stepped outside and scanned the yard. “Looks the same.”
    She eyed her flowers that bordered the fence, her neat lawn and the shade trees. What did he expect? She slid open the door, rolling her eyes, and stepped into the kitchen with Hal on her heels.
    “What’s for dinner? I’m starving.” He charged past the oak table and tugged open the refrigerator door, then nosed inside.
    “Sorry, Hal. I’m leaving for a while. I’ll grab something when I’m out.” She stopped herself from closing the door on his head. As quickly as her frustration came so did remorse. He may have changed. Maybe her dad had become gnarly. “I need to do some grocery shopping. You might find some eggs and cheese in the meat keeper.”
    He closed the refrigerator and peered at her. “You want me to cook?”
    Her remorse faded. Typical

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