Grizzly Flying Free (Air Bear Shifters Book 2)

Grizzly Flying Free (Air Bear Shifters Book 2) by Sloane Meyers Page B

Book: Grizzly Flying Free (Air Bear Shifters Book 2) by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Meyers
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back into his cabin for dinner tonight, she had felt a wave of tingling passion wash over her.
    Anderson Rowe was making sure that he left no doubt in Lexi’s mind that he was interested in her. He had invited her to have dinner with Silver and him, and she had gladly accepted. Not only did she not want to eat alone in her guest cabin, but she also didn’t want to leave Anderson’s presence. Something about him today was drawing her in stronger than ever. Perhaps it was the fact that, for the first time, he seemed to be making no attempt to hide his feelings for her. Lexi took another sip of her wine and shivered with anticipation of what the evening would bring. Would he say something to her tonight to let her know he was interested? Could she dare to hope that he might kiss her?
    Lexi felt her cheeks heating up and turning pink at the thought of Anderson’s lips on hers. She had to get her emotions under control before he came back out to the living room, and it sounded like she didn’t have much time. She could hear his voice coming from down the hallway, firmly denying Silver’s request for a fourth bedtime story.
    A few moments later, Anderson’s tall form appeared in the living room.
    “Hey,” he said, smiling sheepishly at her. “Sorry to make you wait so long. Silver would listen to bedtime stories all night if she could.”
    “No worries,” Lexi said. “If I had little girl as sweet as Silver, I’d never want to stop reading her stories.”
    “She’s a good kid, isn’t she?” Anderson said, grabbing the bottle of wine from the dining room table and topping off both of their glasses.
    Lexi nodded her agreement, and then took another sip of newly replenished wine. She felt the butterflies in her stomach growing stronger now that Anderson was back in the room with her. But she noticed with disappointment that he sat across from her in his recliner, instead of on the couch. Maybe she had been misreading how interested he was, after all.
    He ran his fingers through his hair and stared up at the ceiling, and Lexi wondered if perhaps she should hurry to finish her wine and then go back to her cabin. Anderson looked tired. Maybe he was only pouring her more wine to be a polite host, when all he really wanted was to go to bed. Lexi took a long, deep swig from her wine glass, and was about to open her mouth to say she should get going, when Anderson spoke first.
    “I have something I need to talk to you about, Lexi,” he said. He finally tore his gaze away from the ceiling and looked her in the eye. There was no mistaking the look of desire he was aiming in her direction. She had been right. He was interested. Lexi felt her heart start pounding as she waited for him to confess his interest in her. This was the big moment—they were finally going to stop dancing around their feelings and start exploring them. Lexi set her wine glass down on the coffee table and sat on her hands, trying to contain her excitement.
    “I don’t think it’s a big secret that I have some feelings for you,” Anderson began. His eyes searched Lexi’s eyes, looking for some sort of reassurance that he wasn’t completely off base in thinking she wanted to hear about those feelings. Lexi smiled encouragingly and waited for him to continue. The butterflies in her stomach were in a complete frenzy.
    “I’ll just cut straight to the chase. I think you’re beautiful. You’re talented. You’re kind. Silver loves you. You make my heart do flip-flops every time I’m around you. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I would love the opportunity to make you my girl and show you just how special I think you are.”
    Anderson paused, and ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at the ceiling again. Lexi realized with surprise that he was nervous. She couldn’t imagine what a strong, gorgeous man like Anderson had to be nervous about, but she decided it would be nice of her to give him a bit of encouragement.
    “I think

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