Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence

Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson

Book: Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
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can’t be healthy. I’m surprised he hasn’t gone crazy already.”
    “He is crazy,
that’s the issue,” Valis said with a smile.
    “Agreed,” Kivi
said. “Someday all of us will join him.”
    “I wonder what
it’ll be like to awaken,” Valis said.
    “I do as well,
but I’m not sure,” Kivi said. “Berserking is odd enough.”
    “True,” Valis
said. She received the signal that their forces were now in position. After
looking it over she noticed Kivi shaking her head. “What’s wrong?”
    “I can’t believe
this is happening,” Kivi said.
    “Let’s go Kivi,
it’s time we bring the fight to them,” Valis said.
    * *
    The Shandi line
fell back again when the fifth and sixth fleets reached their limit and
returned to the main force. The Greys had pushed them back to first orbital
defense line while moving forward. Trai Gor cursed under his breath at the
situation. The admirals behind him were hastily reorganizing the fleets to
maintain a semblance of order. More than half of the Grey fleet had been destroyed,
but the same could be said for the Shandi forces. While the Shandi were
shifting things around the two planet killers charged up. Before they were
fully charged the two massive ships fired a pair of beams. One slammed into the
moon of the Shandi homeworld and wiped out most of the weaponry stationed on
it. The other missed the atmosphere of the homeworld and instead slammed into
the orbital ring. The shockwave of destruction quickly spread across the whole
of the structure before it collapsed and slammed into the planet below.
Millions of Shandi died as the fragments fell into the equatorial areas. The
sky in the middle of the planet was filled with fire while the ground soldiers
desperately tried destroying the falling fragments. The soldiers in orbit watched
with horror knowing there was nothing they could do about it. With the command
center in the orbital ring gone Trai Gor quickly changed the command structure
within the fleet.
    “Admiral Jark
Le, you’re now in charge,” Trai Gor said.
    “My lord,” the admiral
    “I know, but we
must fight on,” Trai Gor said.
    “I understand,”
Jark Le said.
    Behind the two
planet killers the eight bases of Heaven’s Light appeared. As they deployed
their forces Trai Gor opened his com again.
    “To all the
remaining soldiers, our allies have come!” Trai Gor said. “Now is the time to
drive this threat from our world forever. Long live Shandi! Long live the
    “Long live
Shandi! Long live the Confederation!” his soldiers shouted.
    * *
    All of the ships
and mobile weapons from the eight bases deployed in attack formation. The
Columbia base moved to the front with its main six ships doing likewise. The
Maidens flew from their ships to the front of the mobile suit line. The Mjolnir
stayed with the Avoni to act as the mobile suit commander. Brian and the other
commanders on the ships sent out their orders as they quickly approached the
rear planet killer. He noticed Veda looking to him from the base.
    “I want you to
make the call,” Veda said.
    “Charge with
everything we have,” Brian said.
    “A charge it
is,” Veda said. While Reban worked to organize the others on the base Veda hit
the com. “To all bases of Heaven’s Light, activate the Hades system
immediately. We will head straight for the closest planet killer and destroy it.
Once this has been done we’ll do the same for the second.”
    The leaders of
the bases began berserking to activate the Hades system. Each of the asteroids
glowed with particles as their gravity drives spun at greater than normal
speeds. Five of the six ships in front of the Columbia base did the same a
moment later. When the Shandi charged the Grey ships the forces of Heaven’s
Light did the same from the opposite direction.

Chapter 15 - In Blood, In Fire
    When the Shandi
forces charged the front line of the Greys the smaller attack ships used

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