Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence

Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson Page A

Book: Grey War Saga 1: Twilight of Innocence by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
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telepathic energy to take the form of the Fang mobile armors. Trai Gor hit the
    “They can copy
our ships, but not their special systems,” he said to his soldiers. “To all the
remaining ships, use the Dragon Scale system. All Fangs and Spits are to move
within the field.”
    “Yes sir,” his
soldiers said.
    The remaining
five thousand Gant class ships moved together to form the protective bubble.
The Grey forces swarmed them and pressed in from all sides.
    “To all squadron
leaders, you have clearance to fire,” Trai Gor said.
    “Yes sir,” his
subordinates responded.
    Each of the Fang
leaders loaded and aimed a nuclear missile before firing into the Grey
formation. As light flashed all around the Shandi bubble the Grey forces nearby
were devastated. Most of the smaller attack ships were destroyed in the attack.
In front of the Shandi, the carriers began moving closer together and used
their telepathic powers to form a glowing energy shield capable of blocking
everything coming at it. The Shandi were stopped dead in their tracks by the
    “Hold your
position,” Valis said over the com. “The Greys can’t destroy you if you
concentrate of defense.”
    “We’ll do as you
say Captain Valis,” Trai Gor said.
    * *
    When the bases
of Heaven’s Light closed in a number of the carriers moved in front of them and
resonated to create a shield like the ones in front of the Shandi. The eight
bases were glowing bright as their output increased dramatically. At the same
time their ships and mobile weapons fired on any smaller Grey ships coming near
them. Brian’s eye glowed brightly while the Freedom flew at the front. The
others on the bridge worked hard as pulse fire from the Greys increased.
    “Are you sure
about this?” Grigon asked. “We’ve never had a chance to test this system.”
    “Better we try
and die then not at all,” Brian said. “Don’t worry Grigon, I trust the work you
and the others have put into this.” He looked at Veda on the monitor. Her eyes
were glowing as well. “You can hear my thoughts, can’t you?”
    “It’s very
strange,” Veda said.
    “Although we
only need two bases to resonate having all eight should do something extra,”
Brian said with a smile. “Be ready for my order.”
    “We are,” Veda
    Brian touched
the com. “Valis, we need you and the others to clear a path. We’ll take care of
the rest after that.”
    “As you wish
Brian,” Valis said.
    The eight bases
and their ships charged into the Grey line with their weapons firing.
Explosions filled the area as the glowing fleet slowly forced its way through
the energy barrier.
    * *
    The Maidens made
their way quietly to the assigned location. From the movements of the Grey
ships it was obvious they weren’t primary targets anymore. Ship after ship
slammed into the bases and their shields in the attempt to stop them. Seles
fought off the urge to berserk and fired at the smaller crafts nearby as they
the form of Fangs.
    “I can’t believe
they can do that,” Kivi said.
    “We saw it
happen during the sojourn,” Celi said.
    “It seems to
increase their effectiveness,” Mira said.
    “They’re still
the same old target, just a bit more powerful,” Seles said.
    “Keep your wits
about you,” Valis said. She looked back at the bases. “Though I have to admit
it’s hard to believe we can do anything in this battle.”
    When a number of
attack ships came closer a pair of Novaguards popped off each of their mobile
suits and automatically fired their pulse cannons at the enemy. Each quickly
matched their guard fighters and destroyed the wave of enemies.
    “I’m glad we’re
getting some use out of these,” Kivi said as the Novas returned to standby
    “Better to use
then waste,” Seles said.
    Her and Kivi
switched their cannons to spread mode and blasted a mass of Grey ships moving
to surround the five.
    “It’s good to
have a few cannons near me,” Celi

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