Green Broke Woman

Green Broke Woman by Zoey Marcel

Book: Green Broke Woman by Zoey Marcel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoey Marcel
her palms, bawling
like mad.
    He gawked at her, still in shock. “Kayla, I
don't really know what to say. I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”
    She sniffled and swiped her arm under her
nose, shaking her head. “Just take me to the doctor tomorrow. Oh God, look at
me, blubbering everywhere like a weepy clown. I'm sorry.”
    “Don't be. I want to help you.”
    “I just need to be alone right now. Please.”
    He brushed her arm in a caring sweep before
taking his leave. “ It's gonna be all right, Kayla. I'll take care of you.”
    She nodded bleakly. “Thanks.”
    Travis exited the room, leaving the light on
this time. Kayla had a lethal disease. His baby cricket wouldn't get to have
the life he planned on having with her.
    He wandered back into his room and planted
his butt on the edge of the bed, spying the picture of him and her with his two
brothers on the nightstand. He snatched it up and absorbed every detail. It had
been warm that day, he remembered. Kayla had been in a silly mood, and he
recalled hoping she didn't feel his erection through his pants as he and his
two younger brothers huddled together around her while their mother had taken
the picture.
    That was what he wanted, oddly enough. He
wanted to keep her with him and his brothers for always and never let anything
happen to her. But something did happen to her, and he couldn't help but feel
that if he'd only taken her up on her offer years ago and made her his, none of
those terrible things would have happened to her. She wouldn't have been raped
or whatever else, and she wouldn't be dying either.
    Tears welled in his eyes, and the power
permeating off the picture provoked him to do something he hadn't done in years.
He wept. Kayla was his perfect match, but he'd let her go and now it was
killing her.

Six: Mind-Fuck
    Kayla walked out of the clinic in a
zombie-like trance. It didn't make sense. What the fuck was happening? She
climbed up into the truck, feeling warm when she took Travis's big hand and he
pulled her up onto the bench seat with him.
    Her lower lip quivered as she foundered for
her words. “They said I didn't need medicine. I had them test me like you
suggested, and the results were negative.”
    His face perked with enthusiasm, though he
appeared skeptical as well. “You mean you healed?”
    “I … I don't know. People don't just heal
from something like that. I don't understand. I had a positive HIV test back in
    “Maybe they mixed up your test with somebody
    She shook her head, still trembling with
shock. “I don't think so. He showed me the results. I looked over them very
    “Who did?” Travis took her hand in his, using
his callused thumb to stroke the top of her hand.
    “My employer. The clinic sent for my medical records just
to verify the results. They should know here soon why that happened.” Her head
went back against the headrest. “Somebody screwed up somewhere. I just really
hope it was Dr. Smith and not these guys. I don't want to die.”
    Travis squeezed her hand and made his tone
firm. “You're not gonna die, Kayla. I won't let that
happen. Come here.”
    She smiled and scooted toward him, feeling
safe and like she'd come home when he took her in his arms.
    “Damn, I was so worried about you. That
scared me to death what you said last night. I need you to be safe right here
by my side.”
    She melted into his strong arms, feeling
completely moved by the beauty in his words and the passion that motivated
them. “Thank you.”
    “You want to grab a bite to eat? Now that
you're not stricken with that awful disease, you may as well enjoy some real
food. How about some fried chicken and all the fixings?”
    She grinned, mouth watering in remembrance.
“That sounds yummy.”
    Kayla stood under the deluge of hot water,
basking in the swirls of steam rising around her. The high water temperature
felt relaxing to her muscles, but her spirit

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