Gone Too Far

Gone Too Far by Angela Winters

Book: Gone Too Far by Angela Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Winters
underneath the chair in front of her.
    â€œYou’re welcome,” he said.
    â€œI know you got the plane to wait.” Leigh fastened her seat belt. “But I’m not thanking you, because it’s your fault I’m late.”
    â€œCan I get you something to drink?” The stewardess was asking Leigh but was looking and smiling at Max.
    â€œNo, thank you,” Leigh said, annoyed by the woman already.
    â€œHow do you figure I’m at fault?” Max asked.
    She turned to look at him and was immediately struck by how much he looked like a model out of a Lands’ End catalog. He was wearing a dark camel, thin British sport coat over a white T-shirt and jeans. This was the first time she had seen him in his more “rugged” attire, and it definitely suited him.
    â€œAt seven o’clock last night, you tell me we’re leaving tomorrow. I had to do a million things to make this happen.”
    â€œYou’re a Chase,” he said. “Don’t you have people to do that for you?”
    â€œNo, I don’t,” Leigh answered sharply. “I’m not you. I have to plan my own life. I had to make sure I could get a substitute doctor to work at the clinics.”
    â€œThat was not easy,” Leigh said. Now that she was saying it, it seemed like a small thing. “Packing for Africa can be complicated. It’s not like a weekend in the Bahamas.”
    Leigh left out the opposition her father had to her going back to Africa. Neither of her parents wanted her to go there the first time years ago after she finished her first year of residency. Africa was dangerous and far away, but Leigh was passionate about the Peace Corps program and went despite her parents.
    When she told them of her plans to go back there on a noon flight later today, her father attempted to forbid her. Her mother hadn’t wanted her to go but seemed to calm down a bit when she told her she would be with Senator Cody. After agreeing to allow her father to hire his own private security in Kenya, Leigh focused on packing and getting to the airport.
    â€œWell,” Max said, reaching into the pocket of the chair in front of him. He pulled out a copy of the L.A. Times. “At least you’re in first class. All the way to our layover in London.”
    â€œWhat is that supposed to mean?” she asked defensively. “I can’t afford first class. I make nothing at the clinic. I’ll have you know that I used miles to pay for this flight.”
    â€œWhose miles?” Max asked. “You never go anywhere, Leigh. From what I hear, you go to your clinics and back to View Park.”
    â€œFrom what you hear?” Leigh rolled her eyes. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. My father has hundreds of thousands of miles with this airline from business traveling.”
    Max smiled. “You’re certainly sensitive today.”
    â€œWhat about you?” she asked. “Are the taxpayers footing this bill?”
    â€œPlease.” Max flipped open his paper just as the plane started taking off. “Traveling from D.C. to L.A. and all over California, I probably have more miles than your daddy.”
    Leigh bristled at his use of “daddy,” indicating that he considered her spoiled. “How nice for you to have so many miles that only you can fly in first class. What about your security or staff? Shouldn’t Kelly be sitting where I am?”
    Max paused for a moment, his expression suggesting he was analyzing Leigh’s tone and expression as much as her words. “Kelly isn’t coming, Dr. Chase. Can I ask why that matters to you?”
    â€œIt doesn’t,” she responded.
    â€œYou’re lying,” he said matter-of-factly. “But if you’re wondering, there is nothing going on between Kelly and me. She’s my staff. It would be highly inappropriate, and she’s not my

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