Here comes the judge
in her big red hat.
She has come to see the train show.
Who will take the judge to the train show?
Thomas will!
Thomas will go.
Thomas will take the judge to the show.
“Hurry, Thomas! Take me to the show.
Take me there fast. Go, train, go!”
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
up, up the hill,
Thomas the Tank Engine
goes faster than fast.
Screech! go the brakes.
Thomas goes so slow.
than slow he goes.
“Hurry, Thomas! Why do you go so slow?
Take me to the train show. Go, train, go!”
But Thomas cannot go.
Thomas sees a goat.
The goat is on the track.
Peep! Peep! goes Thomas.
Baaaa! The goat jumps back.
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
down, down the hill,
Thomas the Tank Engine
goes faster than fast.
Screech! go the brakes.
Thomas goes so slow.
than slow he goes.
“Hurry, Thomas! Why do you go so slow?
Take me to the train show. Go, train, go!”
The tunnel is so dark.
Slow, slow, slow
he goes
into the dark,
tunnel …
… and out the other side!
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
over a bridge.
He was going so fast.
He was going so fast,
the judge lost her hat!
Screech! go the brakes.
Thomas goes slow.
he goes.
“Hurry, Thomas!
We’re running late, you know.
Take me to the train show.
Go, train, go!”
But Thomas must go slow.
There is a cow on the track.
Moo! Moo! goes the cow.
Peep! Peep! goes Thomas.
The cow moves back.
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
Thomas the Tank Engine
moves faster than fast!
Screech! go the brakes.
Thomas goes slow.
he goes.
“Don’t stop, Thomas. Go, train, go!
Don’t stop now. I’m late for the show!”
But Thomas must go slow.
There are logs on the track.
The crane engine clears the logs.
Clickety-clack, clickety-clack,
around the logs goes Thomas
faster than fast.
There is mud up ahead!
The judge wants to go slow.
“Slow, little engine.
Slow, slow, slow.
Watch out for the mud!
Whoa, train, whoa!”
But Thomas cannot go slow.
Thomas goes faster than fast.
Into the mud …
Splish! Splash!
Thomas goes fast.
Past a town,
fast, fast.
Past a dog,
faster still.
Fast at last!
Nothing can stop him,
nothing at all.
No goat.
No dark.
No cow.
No log.
No crane.
No mud.
No town.
No dog.
This is the fastest
that Thomas can go!
Screech! go the brakes.
“Good job, Thomas!
We made it here at last!
You are a little engine,
but you go so fast!”
Here comes the judge!
The train show begins.
There are red trains and blue trains
and old trains and new trains.
And a little blue engine covered in mud.
What will the judge say?
“I like all the trains. You all are such fun.
But the muddy little blue train
is my favorite one.”
Christmas in Wellsworth
Easter in Harwick
Halloween in Anopha
James and the Red Balloon
Misty Island Rescue
The Special Delivery
Steam Engine Stories
Stuck in the Mud*
Thomas and the Shooting Star
Thomas’ Christmas Delivery
Thomas-saurus Rex
Track Stars!
Trouble in the Tunnel*
* A STEP INTO READING ® leveled reader
Savannah Stuart
Sophie Night
Ella March Chase
T. Gephart
Tressie Lockwood
Jack Frost
Clare Morrall
B. B. Hamel
Kathleen O'Reilly
Theresa Rizzo