Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms

Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms by David Shade Page B

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Authors: David Shade
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a question from one reader with a concern. A lot of guys probably wish they had his problem:

    This is a one night stand question David, so I know it’s not completely what you do, never the less,
    A couple of nights ago, I seduced a young lady. First I jumped into the Jacuzzi naked, she followed my lead. We made out. Later we go off to the bed and start kissing some more. Things escalate and I
    eventually go for the deep spot. And it is at this point that she says twice: fuck me fuck me. So that happened and it was quick and basically that was that.
    My question, or concern really, was that it really wasn’t all that appealing to me. Personally I would have rather taken it slow and let it slowly build to the point of climax. Then again it was a one night stand. So any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    One night stands are not what I specialize in. Sure, I’ve done them, we all have, especially in our early 20s. But I find them to be shallow and empty, eventually, as I will discuss in a minute.
    With one night stands there is not the opportunity to do the advanced sexual techniques, and there is not the opportunity to establish the trust and emotional interaction needed for the advanced stuff.
    The sad part is that you may never see her again. That is due to “The One Night Stand Clause.” That states that if a woman has sex with a man the first night she meets him, she never sees him again. She knows that she did something “slutty” and knows that the guy will think of her as “a slut.”
    Furthermore, when she has a one night stand with a guy, knowing full well that she will never see him again, she has made the conscious decision to have less respect for him. She does not consider him good enough for a relationship, she only sees him to be good enough for a one night stand.
    There are exceptions, but don’t bet your money on it.
    There is no way to “slow down” a one night stand if the woman insists on getting fucked. Telling her to slow down would only piss her off.
    If you meet a woman and you two end up in your bedroom on the very night you meet, but you would like to see her again, then you might wonder if you should hold off intercourse. It is a chance you take. It can go either one of two ways:
    If she wants a one night stand and has no interest in seeing you again, she is going to get pissed off and leave and never see you again anyway.
    If she wants to see you again, she is going to adore that you wanted to wait.
    So it’s a chance you take.
    You might wonder if there is a way to tell if she wants a one night stand or not. If a woman wants a one night stand, she’s not going to say it because that would be her defining herself as a slut. If a woman doesn’t want a one night stand, but instead wants to see you again, she simply will not let things escalate to intercourse.
    So, basically, if she stops you, she probably wants to see you again.
    If she doesn’t, then she probably considers you a one night stand.
    (Proverbial legal caveat: No means No. Stop means Stop. If she doesn’t want to continue, you must stop. To do otherwise is a criminal offense with extremely serious consequences.)
    The biggest reason why I don’t like one night stands is because if I like her and I sleep with her, but then I don’t get to see her again, then that really hurts.
    Most women feel the same way. Most of them are sick and tired of being humped and dumped. Sure, they had one night stands, especially in their early 20s, but it is usually a brief period.
    And of course, in all of this discussion, I am talking about mentally healthy women with good self esteem. And of course I am assuming that you only pursue mentally healthy women with good self esteem.
    Here is a question from another reader:
    I've been reading a lot of your material, it's certainly helped me to have more fantastic one-night stands (many, many of these!) - I still feel that I'm having trouble turning these into relationships though
    - I'm

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