Girl vs. Boy Band

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Book: Girl vs. Boy Band by Harmony Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Jones
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teeth. “There were only two artists in this whole world who could get away with wearing that much black leather and they were the late, great Johnny Cash and the King of Rock and Roll himself, Elvis Presley.” She flung her arm toward the stairs and pointed. “Now, git!”
Well, that clinched it. Her mother had gone right past anger and straight to fury. If Lark didn’t know better, she’d think she was on the verge of sending Aidan out behind the corn crib to cut her a switch to tan his sorry hide!
    Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. But it did do Lark’s heart a heap of good to know that somewhere deep down, under all those stylish business suits and designer handbags, her mom still had plenty of Southern sass left in her.

    Donna decreed that Aidan stay in his room for the remainder of the day. She never actually said the word “grounded,” but her intent was clear. He was under house arrest.
    After a tense breakfast, Ollie said he’d like to do a little shopping, so Donna called him a driver and sent him to the mall. Lark knew that her mother would spend most of the day in her office, and Mimi’s Sundays were always booked up with church in the morning and family dinner in the late afternoon.
    That left her and Max with nothing to do.
    She supposed she could make some flimsy excuse about homework and retreat to her bedroom for some much-needed privacy. But as Mrs. Fitzpatrick cleared away the breakfast dishes, she noticed that Max was looking a little gloomy.
    â€œWhat have you got planned for the day?” Lark asked.
    Max shrugged. “Nothing really.”
    â€œYou didn’t want to go shopping with Ollie?”
    Max grinned. “I can’t afford to buy anything on Rodeo Drive, except maybe a cup of tea. And even that would probably be out of my price range.”
    Lark laughed. “Well, what do you usually do at home on Sundays?”
    â€œWell, in nice weather, my sister and I take the train to visit our grandparents on the coast. They live in Brighton. It’s a fun place, with a beach and a pier.” His face lit up as he remembered it, but his smile faded quickly.
    â€œYou really are homesick, aren’t you?” said Lark.
    â€œYeah,” Max admitted. “I mean, I know what a brilliant opportunity this is, being in LA to pursue a music career. But I really do miss my family. When we’re busy with band stuff, I don’t feel it much. But when I’ve got nothing to keep my mind off home, like today, it does sort of get to me. Do you know what I mean?”
    Lark nodded. “I know
what you mean,” she said. Then she sprang up from the table. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
    She hurried to the pantry, where Mrs. Fitzpatrick was putting away the maple syrup, and whispered her plan to the housekeeper; then she dashed to her mother’s office to ask permission. Donna was happy to agree.
    Lark bounded back to the kitchen, where Max still sat, looking perplexed.
    â€œI’ve got an idea that I think will really cheer you up,” she said.
    â€œWhat’s that?”
    â€œIt’s a surprise. Now go get dressed.”
    Max stared at her for a moment, then stood up. “What should I wear?”
    Lark grinned. “Got any swim trunks?”
    Max nodded.
    â€œWell, go put them on. We’re leaving in ten minutes. Fitzy’s going to drive us.”
    As she watched Max disappear up the stairs, Lark knew there was nothing she could do to cure her own homesickness, but maybe it would help her feel just a little bit better if she could do something to alleviate Max’s.

    â€œSo this is Malibu!” said Max, stretching out his arms and taking in the rolling waves and blazing blue sky. “It’s gorgeous.”
    Lark smiled, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to agree . . . not out loud, anyway. Somehow it felt disloyal to

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