Girl Possessed (Book 1 of The Girl Trilogy)
could sort of trick my tail and just pull
the plug to let the water drain. I did that. Once the water
emptied, to my dismay, my tail remained. I had hoped that it would
turn back to legs once out of the water.
    Now, I didn’t know what to do. The
music in my mind got louder and more varied. It was really
irritating me. Was I going to be stuck in this bathtub
    I must have laid there for hours,
struggling to get a comfortable position and feeling devastatingly
hopeless. It might have been fun to be a mermaid in a big lake or
in an ocean, but a mermaid in a bathtub was a sick joke on me. As
if it wasn’t bad enough being locked away in a dungeon! Could my
life get any worse?
    Then the hump on my back started to
really hurt. Usually, it only hurt if someone pressed down on it.
But, now it was hurting for no reason at all. It felt like I was
laying on a tree stump and the stump was growing beneath
    Was this the biggest nightmare in the
world or what? I couldn’t get my arms wrapped around my back far
enough to touch the growing stump because my new big breasts kept
getting in the way. I felt hopeless and like a real
    The stump kept growing and I started
getting really scared. Then it began to fan out. I didn’t know what
was happening.
    Now I could touch the growing
abomination sprouting from my back because it was spreading out to
the sides of my body. It had a sheer, gauzy quality with a thin
bone frame around the edges and throughout like a skeleton. I’m not
kidding—I was beginning to think I was growing wings out of my
    The thickness of the frame
propped me up and after a moment the darn things started
fluttering. From my peripheral vision, I could see that they were
red like my tail. I had no idea how to control them, but with a lot
of concentration, I was able to get them flapping. They were wings!
    After several minutes they were
fluttering so fast that my body started lifting out of the tub.
There I was like some sort of fairy tale monster, fluttering above
the bathtub with a big fish tail dangling in the air. That’s when
Shaul burst through the hole in the wall right into my
    Extending from his ankle, Shaul
dragged the chain behind him with a block of the stone wall
attached. He must have pulled the chain right out of the wall and
then rushed through the hole into my cell.
    He looked up at me and had a big grin
on his face. He was trying to hold back laughter, but wasn’t very
successful at it.
    I scowled at him from mid air. How
could he think this was funny? Why wasn’t he shocked out of his
mind like I was? There I was bare breasted with a long mermaid tail
and wings fluttering from my back like a retarded
    “ Here, take my hand.” He
sounded amused as he offered his hand up to me. “I’ll catch
    “ You can’t hold my weight,”
I called down. “What if you drop me?”
    “ Oh, please,” he
    I was exhausted, my long hair was
getting tangled in the wings, and I didn’t know how much longer I
could hold myself up in the air, so I thought, the heck with it,
and let myself drop from suspension.
    Thank God, he actually caught me. And
there I was—a sideshow freak in the most gorgeous boy in the
world’s arms. He had a wry smile on his face that made my mind
    “ You can’t really set me
down because I don’t have legs.” I covered my breasts with my
    He laughed again. “Look,” he said.
“Just command your legs to take over.”
    I wrinkled my eyebrows.
    “ Command your legs.” He
still looked amused, like he was thoroughly enjoying my
    “ Abra Cadabra,” I said
sarcastically as I looked at him feeling completely
    “ Come on…” He was still
smiling at my expense.
    I didn’t know what else to do, so I
concentrated for a moment, trying to put my full intention forth
and said,“Legs take over.”
    “ Very good.” His eyes
widened in surprise as he spoke.
    And to my

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