Girl Possessed (Book 1 of The Girl Trilogy)
his. To distract myself from the intense desires
that were rising up in me, I moved away from the wall and lay on my
back upon the cold floor.
    The unanswered questions flooded back
into my mind. I had to figure out how Shaul was able to produce
balls of light and shoot them out of his hand. Why was he
surrounded in red light that night when he commanded me to leave
him? How come whenever I cried loudly, I heard noise in his cell
first before the earthquakes started? Was he making the dungeon
wave and rumble or was I? Or were both of us producing it
    As far as I knew, human beings could
not do supernatural things like he had. Was Shaul not human? If
that was the case, what was he? Was he a josephine like me? For
some reason that made me laugh.
    And then I wondered about the music I
so often heard in my head. Shaul was connected to the songs also
somehow. We made beautiful symphonies together in my mind before I
knew he was the singer on the other side of the wall. But, the
tunes also were connected to the forbidden lake. The melodies
constantly beckoned me to its waters. Why did the music draw me to
Shaul and why did it draw me to the lake? What was the connection
and what was the reason? I had so many questions and I desperately
wanted the answers.
    I sat on the hard stone floor
examining my new shapely legs and thought some more about it all.
Why did Shaul say I should stay away from him? It seemed like he
wanted to be near me, but he felt compelled to warn me that he
wasn’t good for me. But why?
    I thought about taking another bath to
calm myself, but the thought of growing that red mermaid tail
frightened me. At least, now I knew how to get rid of it when I
wanted to. Maybe tomorrow I’d try again and accustom myself to my
new fate, but today another attempt was out of the
    The wings were also a little scary to
me, but I decided to experiment with them a little since I didn’t
have anything else to do. I always wished I could fly and actually
the more I thought about it, the more pleased I became with my new
promising ability.
    I really wished I had one of those
pretty girlie faerie costumes with the back cut out for the wings
to push through. Instead, the only clothing I had was this brown
cotton robe. I opted to put it on backwards and leave it open in
the back, buttoning it from the waist down. That left room for the
wings and still kept my body covered.
    Standing in the center of
my cell, I called out, “Grow wings grow.” Nothing happened, but I
heard Shaul snickering on the other side of the wall. I guessed he
heard me. I was pretty loud. It felt kind of good to have some sort
interaction with someone else even if a wall was separating
    But, I wasn’t going to keep yelling
just to get attention and give him more reasons to tease me. So, I
tried the command again, but this time quietly and with more
feeling behind it.
    Sure enough, it worked. The wings
sprouted out of my back like a blossoming flower unfolding at a
rather fast pace. I wished I had a mirror to see what they looked
like, but no luck there. This cell was way too sparse and bland for
luxuries like that.
    They were pretty large actually.
Bigger than the butterfly wings I’d seen on fairies on the screens
at the dome cinemas, but smaller than angel wings. The edges that I
could see protruding outward were sheer and red. I hoped that
sometime I would be able to ask Shaul what they looked like. I
touched them with my hands and from what I got a hold of, the gauzy
texture felt elegant against my fingers.
    Getting the wings to actually flap and
flutter was a whole skill in itself. In a sense, I was like a
newborn baby learning how to use my limbs for the first time. Let’s
put it this way, I wasn’t very good at it.
    I hoped it didn’t take a whole year to
learn how to fly like it takes a human baby to take its first
steps. Maybe I was more like a horse who starts walking right after
it is born. That was my desire at least. I

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