Ghastly Glass

Ghastly Glass by Joyce and Jim Lavene

Book: Ghastly Glass by Joyce and Jim Lavene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce and Jim Lavene
our conversation. He might be the only one who could get me out of this mess. “I told you to wait over there . What are you doing over here ? ”
    “Prithee, Master Sorcerer.” Livy sidled up close to him, her wide hips swaying beneath the hooped skirt. “We are taking this boy with us. He would better serve the Village under our tutelage.”
    Merlin raised one shaggy white eyebrow. “Good heavens, woman! This lad is barely old enough to be away from his mother. You can’t mean to dally with him! That would be most obscene.”
    I wasn’t sure at first what Livy’s response would be. I knew Merlin did as he pleased in the Village. I’d never heard of him being summoned or cajoled into doing anything the king or queen wanted. He’d been here since before Livy and Harry took up residence in the castle. Maybe he had some kind of seniority with Adventure Land.
    “Watch thy tongue, sir!” I could see by the look on her face that the queen was truly angry. “We shall not put up with your rudeness, sir, and shall speak to the king on this matter.”
    Merlin bowed low, his gnarled hand on his staff. “As you wish, Your Majesty. I would advise the king to tread lightly in this matter. Neither you nor he want to anger me.”
    The queen turned abruptly and reentered her group of courtiers. She gave me a very sweet smile before starting off again for her promenade. I realized I hadn’t breathed since Merlin entered the fray, and now took a big, deep breath. “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome, I suppose. I could ask why you’re dressed as a man, but I just passed what I believe to be a headless sheep. I may be incapable of asking such questions anymore. Who thought of creating a headless Halloween sheep costume? ”
    I couldn’t help it. I laughed. It was good to be able to laugh with the queen out of my radar. “I suppose one could inquire what Bo Peep was wearing if she was herding headless sheep.”
    Merlin shrugged. “I don’t want to go there, my friend. What brings you to the Village at this time of year, Mistress Jessie? ”
    “I thought the whole Halloween theme would be interesting. I’m apprenticing with Roger at the Glass Gryphon.”
    “That’s not what I heard at tea today. Never lie to a wizard, my dear. We get very testy about such things. Who knows? You could end up a headless sheep yourself.”
    News, as always, traveled through the Village faster than bytes across the Internet. “Okay. I lost that position, but I think I can get it back. Roger really likes me, you know. And I think something else ails the glassmaker.”
    “Come tell me about it over some pizza at Polo’s. I’m famished. Magic takes a lot out of you.”
    “I can’t.” I moved away from the writing on the wall. I wasn’t exactly big enough to hide it, but I must’ve been doing a good job since no one in the Royal Court had noticed it. “I have to save this for Chase.”
    He glanced around. “Save what? Has another visitor had a heat spell put on them by one of those crafty fairies? ”
    I turned to make sure the writing was still there. Of course it was. The red bloodlike substance was even beginning to ooze down the wall. It creeped me out looking at it. “The writing. Didn’t you notice it? ”
    Merlin stared at it briefly, then looked back at me. “Must I relate the story of the headless sheep again to you, my dear? You know you seemed much smarter last year. A little faster on the uptake, if you know what I mean.”
    “This isn’t part of the Village Halloween event.” I finally understood his confusion. “Didn’t you hear about Death getting killed yesterday? The same words were written on him. The police said it was real blood, too.”
    “Like the message written on the glassmaker’s wall earlier today? ”
    “No. That was strawberry jelly. This is the real thing, I think.”
    “You think ?” Merlin strode past me, his purple robe flying out in a way that made me avert my eyes. He was known for

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