Getting Rid of Bradley
about you,” Zack said through his teeth. “I had you pictured dead
    in a pool of blood in front of the fireplace. And now you show up alive, and I want to kill you myself.”
    “And anyway, who do you mink you are, saying ‘Stay put’ like I’m some...I don’t know...trained dog,
    or something.”
    “I thought you weredead.” Zack grabbed her arm. “I thought somebody had grabbed you. I thought I
    was going to have to raise your damn dogs....”
    “Why would you have to raise my dogs? I just needed exercise.” Lucy tried to tug away from him. “I ran
    two miles. Big deal. Let go of me.”
    “My partner is next door right now, calling for help to look for your body.” Zack tightened his grip. “I’m
    so damn mad at you....Just...get in that house.”
    “Now wait just a minute!”Lucy began, but then she stopped, distracted by the streak of yellow that
    blurred past her feet. “Look out, Phoebe’s loose again.”
    In an instant, the cat had raced across the lawn and dived into the window of Lucy’s car.
    “No!” Lucy jerked free from Zack. “That’s it. That’s the last straw.” She started across the lawn to the
    car, and Zack grabbed her sweatshirt and yanked her to the cold ground, falling on her as he rolled them
    both down the hill into Mrs. Dover’s driveway.
    They landed with a thud, Lucy on the bottom, and all the breath went out of her lungs as Zack fell on top
    of her. “Hey,” she said, but all that came out was a whisper.
    He was covering her with his body, one hand braced over her head, listening for something. He looked
    exactly the same as he had the day he’d flung her into the alley—the same anvil jaw, only clean-shaven
    now, cocked away from her at the same angle while he tensed against her.
    Just like in the alley.
    Lucy stopped trying to shove him off and clutched at his arms. “Zack? Was somebody shooting at you
    He looked down at her, focused and sharp. “I thought you said you always rolled your car windows up.
    Because of Phoebe.”
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    “I do...” Lucy began and stopped, distracted by the realization of how warm he was on top of her. “Uh,
    “They’re down now. Phoebe jumped in.”
    “Big deal.” Lucy tried to shift his weight off her without enjoying it. “Maybe I forgot. You’re squashing
    me. Get off.”
    “They were up when I left day before yesterday. And you haven’t been in the car since, right?”
    Zack was almost nose-to-nose with her, his electric blue eyes staring down into her brown ones, his
    hand cradling her face, the weight of his body stretched warmly along the whole length of hers, and she
    lost the thread of her argument in the heat she was feeling everywhere. It was so unfair. He was
    gorgeous, he was on top of her, and he was asking her questions about a cat She might have to kill
    herself, after all.
    “Zack.” She pushed gently at him. “Nothing is happening here. There are no gunshots. Get off me.”
    She stopped when her eyes connected with his. She could feel him relax against her as his attention
    shifted from the car to her.
    “I wouldn’t exactly say nothing is happening.” Zack smiled down at her.
    “Well, nobody’s trying to kill me,” Lucy said, trying to sound reasonably calm. “Get off.”
    “So you’re telling me I overreacted.” The warmth in his eyes went to her bones, and she swallowed
    “I know.” Lucy tried to keep her tone cool while she melted under him. “You couldn’t help yourself. It
    was an instinct. I forgive you. Now, get off me.”
    He raised himself up on one elbow and flicked one of her curls with his ringer. “You know, in this light,
    your hair looks sort”
    “Get off me now!”she said, and Mrs. Dover came onto her front porch and screamed,“Perverts!” at
    them, and Phoebe raced across Zack’s back using every claw she had for traction, and Zack yelled

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