Gettin' Dirty

Gettin' Dirty by Sean Moriarty Page A

Book: Gettin' Dirty by Sean Moriarty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sean Moriarty
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steps then press the send button on my phone. Just as I hear the doors to the vehicles slam shut I whirl around with the video camera part recording.
    It’s a matter of physics. Filling up the empty space of the phones with C4, I got them as heavy as I could with them still able to receive a signal from the satellites up above us. That small signal is all they needed to make a giant kaboom in the vehicle.
    I snicker as the explosion happens until I feel a sharp stab in my shoulder. Fuck. Looking down I see a piece of metal sticking out of my shoulder a good three inches. Shit.
    I continue to film for a moment then duck out of the way as people start making their way out of the club to see what that sound was.
    The cars didn’t explode outwardly except for a few pieces, thankfully. That was part of my plan. See, I know those cars are built to keep explosions and bullets from coming in. Well, that theory rebounds on itself. They also keep big shit from coming out too.
    Inside those two Land Rovers there was a gigantic explosion followed by shrapnel from their weapons. Bullets and anything that could get destroyed did. There won’t be a single fucking person alive in there now.
    Fuck, my shoulder is hurting right now and I can feel the hot ooze of blood leaking out of me.
    Looking down at the phone, I text the video over to Frank then push the contact button to call him.
    “What’s up, Seamus?” he asks. “Hold on. You just text me?”
    “Yeah. Watch the video.”
    He grumbles something for a moment then comes back to the line. “Wow.”
    “Yeah, that was the only thing I could figure out to do.”
    “I can see,” he says, chortling.
    I grunt as I keep walking steadily and as normal as possible.
    “I need a stitch, Frank. Can you send me one?”
    “How bad you off?” he asks and his voice instantly goes into business mode.
    “Not bad, just need someone to stitch me up and make sure I’m good.”
    “Three thousand,” he says.
    “Take it off the grand total then. Have em come to my hotel.” I give the address and then ask, “How long for the deposit?”
    “I will get the video over to the right people. Should have half tonight from my side and the rest tomorrow from theirs.”
    “Nice. Thanks, Frank.”
    “Have a good night, Seamus.”
    Disconnecting the phone, I make it back to my SUV.
    I am not too bad off, really. The metal is in pretty good. I wiggle it a bit and it hurts enough for me to know it’s probably stuck deep in there.
    I drive quickly back to my hotel and thank fuck I made sure it was one of those hotels that the room door leads right out to the parking lot.
    I get myself into the room without an issue. I wrap my shoulder up with a garbage bag to keep the blood from getting everywhere. It’s not leaking just yet but I am pretty sure it will be soon. I unpin the hair from my head and pull the beard painfully away from my face.
    A knock at the door gets me up from a chair and I look out the peep hole. It’s a cute little blonde standing there with a small gym bag. She is about five-five, not weighing much more than a hundred and ten. She is cheerleader cute and has a small but decent looking rack on her.
    Opening the door, she doesn’t barge right in but moves pretty quickly. She says with a big smile, “Hi, sweetheart! I missed you so much!”
    I pull back a bit as I let her step past me. “Missed you too, baby.”
    Shutting the door, I turn to her quickly. “What’s the guy’s name who sent you?”
    “Good.” Pointing to my shoulder, I say, “I need some help.”
    Nodding to me, she takes me by my good arm to the bathroom. Sitting me down in the bathtub, she starts unwrapping the bag. Looking at the metal buried in my shoulder she nods her head.
    “Okay… I can give you lots of pain meds to knock you out if you want, this isn’t going to be fun for you.”
    “Can you just numb me up for it?” I ask. I don’t want to be knocked out with someone I don’t know

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