Shit, she’s as drunk as I am acting. Her breath reeks of pot and whiskey.
Ordering a drink for the both of us, I motion for us to go back towards the floor. The main attraction Krystal Rear just finished up her routine and is heading back to the stage. I pull me and the redhead forward as I stumble us both into the last remaining guy. Red and I stink of spilled alcohol so I can already tell this guy pushes me away as someone who isn’t even on his radar as a threat.
Groaning loudly, “Damn, she’s gone!”
Redhead says, “I can dance for you baby.”
Looking her at her for a long moment up and down, I nod my head. “Okay, let’s get some titties on me!”
We walk cleanly away from the floor as I see Gregory heading towards the same private rooms as we are. I usher us into one of them quickly as I slump tiredly into my seat. I know I may be sober as a preacher on Sunday but I feel tired and heady with the small feat I have accomplished.
Reverse pick-pocketing is a fucking nightmare in the best of circumstances. It’s all about gently putting something in a pocket that is most likely empty. It’s about getting them when their pocket is shifting in such a way that they don’t notice a difference when they are back to normal.
Right now my back is sweaty as fuck and my balls are soaked with sweat. Thank fuck they keep this club hot as shit. The hotter the club the more people want to drink. Red starts off the same way as Blonde girl from last night does, and I really just want to push her off my crotch. It’s swampy as shit down there and feels like the fucking dead zone from hell. Damn cock won’t get hard it seems for anyone but my chick Aaliyah.
I don’t bother with the second dance as I push her off. Right now she just makes me sad. She is so fucking looped up on some drug or another that she can’t tell just how shitty she does at dancing or making anything comprehensible when she talks.
I make a slow , slightly unbalanced act while walking out of the club. I beam at anyone and everyone who tells me to have a good night. I want people to remember me as the happy drunk guy, not the one who is getting ready to kill seven people.
I stumble towards the piece of junk car I found at the closest college. I am making myself as bland as possible with this. I drive slowly away from the building and parking lot. As soon as I am out of sight of any possible camera from the club, I slam my foot on the peddle. Racing about a half a mile away, I drop the car off after wiping it down for prints.
I slowly drive back to the club with my SUV. About a block away I pull into a bowling alley’s parking lot and drop off my vehicle. I walk the alleyways from here to the club. I see the two black Land Rover’s idling on the side of building. I situate myself behind a dumpster as I peek between it and the building I am leaned up against. I have the perfect view right now, I don’t think I could find one better than this.
O kay , I have been here for an hour and the same mother fucking rat has come up to my boots three fucking times. He is getting just too god damn complacent with my big stupid ass hanging around. Right as I am looking up from having kicked the giant fucking thing away from me I see motion in the cars.
The engines sound like they are revving up. I slide myself up the wall as I pull my remaining cellphone from my pocket. It’s going to be a quick because I need confirmation that the deed is done and I need to text Frank when to call as soon as they are in the car.
The cars don’t move as I hoped they wouldn’t but rather stay still. I stumble walk out of the alley with the cellphone down in my hand.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Gregory and his men walking towards the vehicles.
Muttering loudly, I hold the phone far down as if I am trying to see what’s on the screen clearly. “Shitty, fucking phone.”
They walk past me and I grin to myself. I continue to stumble for two
Claire Contreras
Holly Martin
Camilla Chafer
Dan Wakefield
William Sheehan
Jacqueline Winspear
Sam Gayton
T. A. Barron
Kresley Cole
Deborah R. Brandon