Genesis Girl
like she can’t believe she actually has to talk to a Virus. But once she says what she has to say, I can tell she relishes the effect it has on Seth. “Every three months we have a mixer to meet and mingle,” she says. “Vestals only date other Vestals unless they’re instructed to do otherwise by their purchaser.”
    Seth looks at his father, and Cal’s face goes grim.
    And I know, I just know. I’m never going to have another moment with Seth again. It’s official. Even if Cal tells me to, Seth won’t want to be with me anymore now that he knows his dad is pulling the strings. Now that Seth knows the truth.
    Cal clears his throat. “Blanca’s free to choose whomever she wishes.”
    I hate him for it.
    Ms. Lydia glances in my direction and sees the hate. “Wonderful,” she says. “It’s so much easier this way. Lucky for Blanca, I’ve arranged the perfect Vestal match.”
    “Thank you, Ms. Lydia,” I say, on automatic. “That’s very kind of you, Ms. Lydia.” But what I’m really thinking about is my perfect opposite. Seth’s body stretched out next to me, completely trashed by chips and ink. Seth attacking those Viruses on my behalf, trying to protect me. Seth and his hundred white roses. Seth saying yes to helping me right now even though he has every reason to hate me … but I have to stop thinking. I have to keep my face serene, like they want me to.
    “I’m so happyyou’re happy,” Ms. Lydia says to me. “The young man I’ve picked out for you has got a face that can sell soap, exactly like you. He’s the perfect boy next door. You’ll love him.”
    “Perfect,” says Seth. “That sounds fucking perfect for Blanca.”
    “Seth!” says Cal sharply.
    But I’m not rattled. I’m completely still, like Ms. Corina taught us back in charm class. And I don’t say anything because I can’t say anything. I can’t say anything at all.
    “We’ll see Blanca next month then.” Headmaster Russell stands up to go.
    “Yes, Headmaster Russell. Of course, Headmaster Russell.”
    “Wonderful,” says Ms. Lydia. “It’s all settled. How about a blessing?”
    She and Headmaster Russell lift up their cuffs. When my cuff hits my heart, it burns with cold.
    “Blanca, Cal, and Seth, you’ve had a hard road. In so many ways it’s difficult being you,” Ms. Lydia begins, continuing the blessing to its conclusion. I notice that Cal looks discreetly away. But Seth? He stares at us like we’re a freak show. Like he’s ready to tear us apart.
    As soon as our visitors leave, Seth turns on us. “What the hell is going on?” he demands. “What type of tricks are you pulling on me?”
    “Seth,” says Cal. “I—”
    “No!” Seth shouts. “I’m tired of being jerked around by both of you. I can’t believe you had Blanca do that! What type of monster are you?”
    “I—” Cal tries again.
    “Don’t bother.” Seth starts to stalk off.
    “Wait!” I reach out and grab Seth’s arm like I’m never going to let him go. “All your dad wanted me to do was make you listen. The rest of it was my fault for improvising.” If I go back to the original plan, I’ll still be fine. I can still fix this.
    “Improvising?” Seth’s face is all torn up. “You call that improvising?”
    “What?” Cal asks. “Call what improvising?”
    “Nothing.” Seth sneers. “Nothing important. Nothing worth mentioning.”
    “Wait!” I run and throw my arms across the front door. I can still do this. I can make Seth listen, I know it. “Your dad has something to show you. Show him, Cal. Show Seth the truth.”
    “What’s she talking about now?” Seth asks.
    Cal looks sad, defeated almost. He knows what’s coming next. But he types at his wrist anyway and the video emerges, there in the great hall. Cal blows it up large enough for all of us to see.
    I can barely stand to watch. Cal shuts his eyes.
    There’s the same scene Seth showed me on Veritas Rex . The one that caused the riff, the one Seth

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