Gambled - A Titan Novella
across the cuts, and his breaths labored. Each leg pulsed. Brock had enough of a medical background that he knew a doctor was needed on the quick. He shook it off and crawled back into his seat.
    Jared gave him a once-over. “What the hell happened?”
    He nodded and gave a knowing laugh. “Hate attack dogs.”
    “At least the girls got out. The kid’s going to be okay? Sarah’s good?”
    “The kid’s good. Considering. Your wife’s bossy. Pretty much grabbed me by the nuts and dragged me here.”
    Brock chuckled. Jared had a soft spot for direct women who made demands. “Guess I owe her for that.”
    “Yup. You do.”
    Because Boss Man wouldn’t have come for me if it hadn’t been for Sarah. He could’ve gotten out, but the job had been a lot easier after Jared arrived with his vehicle. “This is going to be an awkward drive back.”
    “Yup.” Jared cracked his knuckles. “Thanks for the kid though.”
    “Yeah. No problem.”
    Miles passed as they curved around the island road. Brock checked the dashboard clock. Great. Fifteen minutes have passed.
    Jared cleared his throat. “So the guys said you’ve been a mess. Trying to kill yourself with the bottle. Sugar said Sarah left you.”
    “Sounds about right. Thanks for the recap.” Jackass. He swallowed away the desire for a strong drink and cracked another bottle of water instead.
    “I wanted you dead,” Jared grumbled.
    “I don’t blame you, but I had my reasons.”
    Jared yanked the steering wheel. The Rover came to a hard stop on a sandy shoulder. He leaned across the confines of the car, pointing his finger into Brock’s chest. “You screwed up, man. You are the rule follower. You know the right move when everyone around you wants to make the wrong one. What happened to you?”
    “Christ, man.” Brock scrubbed his hands into his hair. “What do you want from me?”
    “A goddamn explanation.”
    “Simple. My family was in danger. Nothing would stop me. It spiraled out of control. I hate how it went down. But there’s the test of loyalty. Pit my family against Titan, and my family wins. I didn’t question it.”
    Jared snarled at him. “I didn’t even know you had a wife and kids. My second-in-command, the dude I’ve worked with for more than a decade, didn’t trust me with that kind of intel?”
    “Seemed safer that way.” I was wrong though.
    “You’re a moron.”
    Brock checked the clock again. Only another hour and thirty minutes until they were back at the resort. He shifted in his seat, and his legs throbbed.
    “But Sugar’s got a different take than I do,” Jared grumbled.
    “She’s got a different take on life.” What was there to say? Glad you married the woman I almost killed. Sorry I abducted your now-wife.
    “Yeah.” Jared’s knuckles pinked as he strangled the steering wheel. “You want to know what she says?”
    “Not really.”
    “Don’t blame you. That woman’s a ballbuster.” Jared laughed. Real and honest. “But she doesn’t think you should be dead.”
    Not what Brock expected. “Why?”
    “No idea. Far as I’m concerned, you should be six feet under.”
    “You plan on taking care of that anytime soon?”
    Jared opened his car door, and warm air rushed in as he got out. Great. Exactly what he needed. Brock followed out the passenger door. Whatever they would hash out, be it scheduling his payback or coming to an understanding, he didn’t want to do it while standing. His legs hurt too bad.
    “How we gonna do this, Jared?”
    Jared spun and glared. “I should kill you.”
    “You’ve never been all talk, man. What’s it going to be?”
    With his fists clenched at his sides, Boss Man stepped to him. Chest to chest, they squared off. “I don’t trust you.”
    “You shouldn’t.” Brock had never seen Jared stumble for what to do before.
    Fury ripped across Boss Man’s face. “I blew up your house.”
    What? “In place of what, killing me? Or that just to piss Sarah off so

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