Gambled - A Titan Novella
boy brought them fresh drinks.
    “But you’re keeping Brock, right?” Sugar slurped the last of her drink and grabbed the new one.
    “Yeah, but we’re going to try to keep things a little more exciting.” She wagged her brows.
    Sugar clapped again. “Good for you.”
    “Now I just need a job and—”
    She sat upright. Excitement bubbled onto her face. “Come work at GUNS!”
    “What?” Sarah laughed, shaking her head. “Me at your gun range? My last visit there was traumatic, and I barely know a pistol from a rifle. You don’t want me.”
    “I’m serious. I need a little help around the office. Some marketing stuff. I want to play with logos, branding. Things are changing a little since I left the ATF, and, ya know, it’d be fun.”
    Fun? “I can…” Other than Brock, she hadn’t let anyone know she could draw and design. “I can do artistic stuff.”
    Sugar bounced in her seat. “Perfect. Decision made. You can work with me.”
    “What the heck?” The decision was liberating. “All right. I’ll do it.”
    Sugar sat back in her lounger. “The boys are gonna love this. And look, here they come.”
    Sarah glanced over her shoulder. Brock limped in clean, baggy pants next to Jared. They rounded the corner of the pool, and she giggled watching just as many people jump out of their way as stared at them. They looked like action figures crashing a beach party.
    Sugar bounced up. “J-dawg.”
    “Baby cakes.” He hooked an arm around her. “Didn’t know you packed a bikini.”
    “Yup, did that while you were running around, placing C4 charges in their kitchen.”
    He glared at her. “Sorry about that, Sarah.”
    She shrugged. “I’m good.”
    Brock’s jaw dropped. “You’re good?”
    She nodded. “Gives us an excuse to move closer to GUNS. I work there now.”
    “What?” Both men were in unison.
    Sugar laughed. Sarah did too. Talk about shocking two guys who thought nothing fazed ’em. As if on cue, the pool boy walked up and offered pink frozen drinks. Jared took his. Brock waved his away.
    For the first time, Sarah was completely relaxed. She kicked back on her lounger, grabbed her daiquiri, and closed her eyes. All would be okay .

    Three months later
    This was Sarah’s second trip to Saint Lucia. Last time, she’d been nervous, unsure, and a little crazy. Maybe a lot crazy. Who knew? But this time, she knew what she wanted, and it was her man to come back from his shopping excursion. She checked out the clock again. Brock should be back any minute .
    Tonight they would renew their wedding vows. Their kids were with Grandma now. A slew of Titan and GUNS friends were on the island too. But right now, Brock and Sarah had the afternoon alone and were revisiting their shopping list. They’d intentionally skipped ropes and ice cream on their at-home to-do list, waiting until they came back there. Seemed corny at first, but at this moment, it seemed hot.
    The door lock unlocked, and her stomach jumped. Sarah sat on the bed, legs tucked under her, with nothing on but a grin. “Took you long enough.”
    “Turns out, I had to go to two different stores.” He held up a container of vanilla ice cream and a bundle of rope. “And you, angel, get to pick which one we play with first.”
    “Ice cream.” She giggled and bounced on her knees. “And rope.”
    His eyes were trained on her chest then drifted downward. “Whatever you say.”
    Brock tossed the rope onto the bed and ripped off his shirt. His erection pressed evidently into his pants, and she reached for him, stroking him.
    “On your stomach.”
    He raised his brows. “Do it.”
    She flipped over but kept her gaze trained on him. He smiled and used a tactical knife to unbind the rope then cut the rope into strips. Methodically, he laid them at the foot of the bed. Excitement buzzed through her body as she stared at the four-poster bed. Her heart beat faster with each second she waited for him to pay

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