Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy)

Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy) by Jordan Silver Page B

Book: Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy) by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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to look out the window I want to see if the
flying squirrel really can fly."
"Chief...! Easy there tiger." I had to grab her before she choked him
of course this is going on in the helicopter ride over the ocean. Sam insisted
that she wanted to go although I knew she was afraid.
    I was sitting next to her holding her hand and kissing her
whenever the need arose, while the chief sat across from us with a running
"Gabriel you know what, remember that nice lady we met yesterday? The one
that's a friend of your mom's from that charity thing."
"You mean Bonnie."
"Yes, that's the one, I was thinking we ought to invite her over for
dinner sometime soon."
I wondered what the heck that was about, I don't recall Sam being overly
enthusiastic when we ran into the woman the day before, and why was chief
making slashing motions across his neck?
"If you want to sweetheart, that's what we'll do." Who knows, maybe
she wanted to discuss charity works, I'm sure mom would have her involved in
that stuff after we were married anyway.
"I'll drop the dog in the water you mark my words."
What had I missed now?
"Chief that's just mean even for you, now what has you in a tizzy this
Neither of them were paying me any mind, they were too busy having a stare
"You are a mean spirited little girl, I don't know what I ever did to
deserve a daughter who would threaten her poor father."
"Leave my baby alone." She squared off against him.
"Come to think of it, that mutt does look like something you two would
    He thought that shit was funny since he was laughing his head off,
Sam was whispering to prince Charles which couldn't be
good, right before she set him down.
The damn dog walked over to the chief and peed on his shoe, I looked to the
heavens and uttered a prayer while the chief had a conniption fit.
"That's it, first chance I get I'm putting that rat on eBay."
Oh Lord when will he learn? Of course now my house was going to be like a
battle station, these two could draw out a war longer than Wellington.
"If you two don't behave I'm going to fix both your wagons." Great
Gabriel throw your hat in the ring, you know how flower just hates to be
disciplined, hah, I knew just how to get her, him maybe not so much, then
"You, if you don't stop with the threats I will invite Bonnie over for
every meal of the damn day." He huffed but had the good sense to keep his
damn mouth shut. See I’d finally caught on to what she’d been getting at.
I turned to my tiger lily with a sinister smile, she would be the tough one,
"No kisses until after we're married."
She folded her arms and rolled her eyes at me, while chief snickered away, which
of course earned him a kick to the ankle. So now he had a wet sore ankle,
served him right.
"She kicked me, I say she shouldn't get any more kisses for the day."
"You don't get to decide that, that's my job."
"Speaking of which, you figured out how to get Cruella down the aisle?"
Why me?
What the hell, what was she talking about now? Apparently the chief knew
because his feathers were ruffled and he was chomping at the bit to say
something, I guess she won this round because she was smiling.

    It's later that night and the house is finally asleep after a long
day spent playing referee, now I'm trying to get away from my girls' more
amorous attentions, who would've thought that would be the case?
I wanted to wait until after we were married, which she had yet to agree to,
but she didn't see anything wrong with trying to attack me.
I know she was still a little innocent so I tried to go slow but she wasn't
having it and tonight she seemed even more determined than ever to get what she
"Baby, we can't." I tried for the one hundredth time to pry her hands
away from my zipper.
"Yes we can I'm old enough."
"No Samantha, not until you agree to marry me."
She flopped back on the bed in a huff, I could see her mind working overtime,
Lord knows what she would come up with

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