Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy)

Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy) by Jordan Silver Page A

Book: Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy) by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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tame that one, as for the actual wedding I would just have her show up on the
day and get it over with, cause sure as spit she's going to put up a fuss, I
forgot to tell you, she don't cotton too much to marriage, thinks it's men's
way of enslaving women. I blame all those classics she reads, Lord knows what
those quacks had to say."
I looked at him like he had two heads, was he for real? He couldn't be; and why
was I asking him for help? I must really be desperate.
"I know, I'll just withhold kisses until she agrees."
"From what I see around here you could both do with a cooling off, I never
thought I'd live to see the day my daughter became a floozy."
    I didn't warn him and he got a good slap behind the head for that
"Ouch, darn it girl, what you do that for?"
" Watch who you call a floozy." She shook her fist at him, before
turning to me with the most endearing, blushing smile. She wrung her hands in
front of her as she came over to me.
"Hi beautiful." I couldn't help myself, I kissed her; of course the
peanut gallery had to be heard from.
"Can I have my breakfast before you two start sucking face and forget me
again? Now Miss. Priss come here let me talk to you, and where's the flying
She gave him a glare for insulting her dog and went to sit next to him, yep, I
had finally lost my mind if I intended to subject myself to this bedlam.
"He's asleep, how did you sleep pop, everything okay?"
"Stop fussing, everything's fine, now look here, you like Gabriel?"
I guess he was supposed to be whispering, but I heard him loud and clear. She
looked in my direction to see if I was paying attention which I of course
pretended not to be.
"Yes, why?" She sounded like she was about to go upside his head.
"Well, you know you're not getting any younger, soon from now you'll be on
the shelf."
    Good God the girl was only eighteen, what was he saying to her?
Now I wonder which one of them is stuck in the seventeenth century.
"Pop, what the blazes are you on about? Are you sick? Tell me." She
grabbed his hands and was halfway out of the chair before he calmed her down.
"I'm fine, just fine, but you know, I've been thinking, and the rain in
Lexington have been bothering me lately, making me more achy than usual, I
talked to Gabriel about it, and he agreed that we can stay here no questions
asked, it's what Phil would've wanted; but see, the thing is, Gabriel is an
upstanding member of the community, so he can't have a young unmarried woman
living under his roof, soooooo , we were thinking
maybe you two ought to tie the knot."
She was looking all kinds of confused, and I felt like I was caught in a scene
from Pride and Prejudice. I did ask for his help though.
"You sold me again didn't you?"
"What, no, what are you babbling about, when have I ever sold you, I
might've thought of it a time or two, but who would have ya?"
He really was stupid, why the hell he liked to egg her on was beyond me. She
didn't say a word, just went upstairs and came back with her puppy, since there
were no fireworks I figured he got off easy, and at least he got the idea of
marriage out there, convoluted as it was.
It wasn't until I put the breakfast on the table that I figured out what she
was up to. As soon as I put chief's plate in front of him, she snatched it for
the dog; you can imagine the screaming and hollering that ensued. Never a dull

Chapter 31
    I spent a week taking these two around, to my family’s horse farm,
which Samantha loved, and we made a nice trip to Colonial Williamsburg which I
had to practically drag her away from, among some other landmarks. Later I’ll
take them to D.C. to take in the sights but that could wait.
Today it's Virginia Beach, this trip alone has convinced me that I've lost my
marbles, these two are never going to be anything but what they are, grumpy,
and the chief is the main culprit.
"Pop leave Charlie alone he doesn't want to look out the window, do you
"I'm not trying to get him

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