Full Count (The Catcher Series Book 1)

Full Count (The Catcher Series Book 1) by Bri Izzo

Book: Full Count (The Catcher Series Book 1) by Bri Izzo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bri Izzo
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again with a guilty
                “That ’ s more doable,” I grin.
His face muscles loosen, almost into a smile. Sky having a relaxed forehead,
level lips, and dark eyes is basically his expression of happiness.
                By the time we return to the cabin an hour later,
Skyler and I are covered in mud. The inside of his Jeep is destroyed - only
took me a week to get the new car smell out. Score! The look on Skyler ’ s face says he couldn ’ t care less. My mom,
on the other hand, is a completely different story. Her face is like a ghost
when Skyler and I return covered head to toe in mud. She must ’ ve
been passing by the front hallway and saw us through the window because she
storms outside to scream at us for being childish and whatever else she thinks
will make us listen. Nothing will. I learned to tune her out years ago. We just
walk around to the side of the house to turn on the hose and rinse off more
thoroughly than the rain is doing. I still hear her yelling until we ’ re completely out of sight. It just makes me laugh; her efforts
of getting me to listen are about the same as me getting her to love me as much
as she loves herself.
                After we get most of the mud off our skin, we enter
the laundry room through the garage so we can change into dry clothes. I strip
myself of my brown dyed tank top and watch Skyler ’ s eyes
brighten as my neon bra is fully exposed.
                 “Ugh, I forgot I can ’ t change
in front of you anymore,” I grunt, grabbing a towel to wrap around my shoulders
and cover my chest. I ’ m so used to him being my friend and
somewhat brother-like figure my entire life, that I managed to forget we just
made out for forty-five minutes in the rain while covered in mud and pressed up
against his Jeep. The kissing makes me think I ’ m in a
fantasy, so in reality Skyler should be able to handle seeing me shirtless in a
small room.
                 “What? Why can ’ t you?” he
questions as if he didn ’ t notice his boyish reaction to me
taking my shirt off. I kind of love it, but I ’ ll never let
him have that satisfaction.
                 “Because I ’ m up here and you
can ’ t stop staring,” I exclaim, slapping his arm
playfully.    Shaking his head, he snaps out of his trans. “I ’ m
sorry,” he stutters.
                I ’ m fourteen, so they ’ re only B cups, but still.
                And then the laundry room door to the kitchen flies
open. Oh, great. Now my brother and my crush can see me in my wet bra. Perfect.
                 “Put a shirt on for God ’ s sake,”
Rex demands, shielding his eyes. I have a towel on. Sheesh. “I just came
to find out why none of us were invited to go muddin ’ .”
                 “It wasn ’ t planned. We just
went. You can come next time,” Skyler explains coolly, not letting on that we
did anything more than play in mud.
                 “There won ’ t be a next time.
Mom is pissed,” Rex enlightens us.
                 “ Shocker, ” I sneer, throwing my
hands up and exiting the small room to go find dry clothes. I ignore my mom
when she sees me in the kitchen and resumes her scolding from earlier and head
upstairs to my shared bedroom. After I shower and change into sweatpants and a
t-shirt, I leave my room and run into my dad in the upstairs hallway. “Oh, hey
Dad,” I quickly greet him as I try to scoot past him.
                 “Bianca,” he casually acknowledges me. As I hit the
first step down, he adds, “Did you have fun playing in mud?”
                 “Yeah, I did,” I go on the defense slightly. I ’ m not sure if he ’ s going to be Switzerland
in this instance or on my mom ’ s team. He usually chooses
Switzerland but it ’ s always a gamble.
                 “Make sure you help Skyler clean his

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