Full Count (The Catcher Series Book 1)

Full Count (The Catcher Series Book 1) by Bri Izzo Page B

Book: Full Count (The Catcher Series Book 1) by Bri Izzo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bri Izzo
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teams of four,” I announce. “Me, Alex, Savannah,
and Buzz are one team. Benny, Baylee, Sam, and Tiffany are another.”
                “Swarrocket Olympics!” Tiffany exclaims, clearly just
as excited as me to get out of the house and do something fun. Her combining
our last names is a little ridiculous, but I figure it must be a fucking girl
thing because Baylee, Savannah, and Buzz all share in her laughter.
                “Great. Go make a sign to alert the media,” I suggest
                Then I feel a nudge into my side. I turn around to
find Buzz wandering around the room behind me, and she whispers, “ Be nice, ” with a motherly glare. That ’ s the
vibe she ’ s trying to give off at least. But I think her
devilish eyes are sexy as hell. As she bends over to rummage through a stack of
movies, I have to look away or else I ’ ll be caught staring
at her ass. She totally did that on purpose.
                “We ’ re watching this,” Buzz
decides, configuring all the electronics to watch a movie. When the menu for
Final Destination starts playing, all the girls but her groan.
                “Why do we even have that movie?” Baylee whines,
bringing her quilt tighter around her body. She ’ s the
youngest one in the Ferrari family, two grades younger than Buzz, but she isn ’ t the baby of our group even though she acts like it sometimes.
My sister Savannah is the youngest one. To Baylee ’ s
advantage, Benny happens to be sitting behind her on the couch, and as soon as
she expresses being frightened he slides behind her and wraps his arms around
her. She instantly releases her tense shoulders and leans back into him.
                And the weirdest part is that no one fucking says
anything. I can ’ t be the only one who saw that, can I? He ’ s four years older than her. He ’ s going to
be a sophomore and she ’ s going to be in fucking seventh
grade. How the hell is Alex totally cool about this but he can ’ t
fathom me and Buzz together when we ’ re only a year apart?
Also, Benny totally looks like Alex, Baylee ’ s fucking
brother. This is disgusting on so many levels.
                “Benny will protect you,” Tiffany affirms, moving
closer to Sam. What the hell is going on? Why is she condoning this
soon-to-be-illegal couple? Also why is everyone pairing up because we ’ re watching a scary movie? Whatever. Tiffany and Sam together
is a typical pairing since they ’ re in the same grade; no
one ever questions them. They always bicker at each other, but when it comes
time to pair up for things, they ’ re each other ’ s go-to ’ s. Benny and I never thought it
was significant enough to fight over, unlike me and Alex regarding me and Buzz.
Which now that I think about it makes total sense since neither of us are in
the couple at hand. Obviously I ’ m going to fight for
something that I want.
                Alex is comfortably sitting on a recliner while
Tiffany and Sam are on the floor below the foot of one of the couches. Savannah
sits next to Benny who has Baylee between his legs. Savannah is even younger
than Baylee, but the look Benny has in his eyes when he looks at Savannah is
much more brotherly and nonchalant than when he looks at Baylee. Alex needs to
watch the fuck out for this . But I can ’ t worry
about it at the moment. They aren ’ t my siblings, and I ’ m not even sure what I ’ m seeing is really
what I ’ m seeing. I ’ m too worried
about the last person finding a spot to sit for the movie: Buzz. With everyone
else pairing up the way they are, they ’ re leaving me and
Buzz to be together. And I ’ m pretty sure everyone in the room
knows it. I know she isn ’ t scared to watch the movie; if
she was she wouldn ’ t have picked it. But it ’ s
storming and everyone else is fucking paired off, so after she hits play on the
DVD player and is walking back to

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