Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus
replied but he
thought they weren’t close enough. He was dying to see her, to be
close enough to touch her. He was shocked at the things he wanted
to do to her and all he knew was she had a sexy voice. He was
almost desperate to see her and touch her.
    “We need to meet, today if possible. Raker is
no longer concerned about the welfare of his subjects. He wants
quick results even if it kills them.”
    “When can you get away?”
    “Tonight. The problem is they’ll probably
follow me. They’ll see anyone I talk to and take pictures. They may
try to get close enough to listen. We need a plan and it needs to
be a good one.”
    “Can you get an appointment at a spa for two?
They shouldn’t find it too easy to follow you in there.”
    “What if they find out I met a man
    “Aren’t you allowed out with men?” he asked
with an amused tone.
    “It’s frowned on. They worry that personal
relationship’s can be used against us.”
    “If they find out, tell them you hired a
gigolo. That way there’s not a relationship, just business.”
    “I’m not sure they’ll believe that.”
    “Look, Em, we plan to move as soon as we can.
By the time they look into it, it will be too late for them. Make
the appointment and call me back. Make sure I have time to get
there. I’m about thirty minutes south of you. Can you do this? Can
we count on you?” He heard her draw in a deep breath and he worried
for a moment that she wasn’t strong enough to do this.
    “Yes, I can handle it. Meet me at Calming
Waters in two hours. A friend of mine owns it and she’ll get us
    “Okay, just remember we have your back.
Everything will be just fine.”
    “I hope you’re right. A lot is riding on
    She hung up without a goodbye and he hoped
she hadn’t been caught. He was glad he would finally get out of
this suite where he felt trapped. He’d find out where Calming
Waters was and he’d get all the surveillance for the meeting worked
out. Em might have men watching her, but Zelus would have gods
watching them while they did it. If her spies discovered anything,
he’d know and they’d be dealt with.
    He found he was so excited to meet her that
he couldn’t lay still to take a short nap. His head was spinning
with information and he felt butterflies in his stomach. It was a
new feeling and he didn’t like it. It was finally time to go, a
little early so he would be sure he’d find it and be there before
her. Two gods followed him in another SUV. They would find her
watchers and keep an eye on them. He pulled in the parking lot to
the Calming Waters. The place was upscale but since it was evening,
only a few cars were in the lot. It would make it easy to find
those who followed her, but it would also make his gods stand out
    He exited the vehicle after he examined the
surrounding area looking for anything out of place. She wasn’t here
yet, he was sure of it. He moved slowly as if he had all the time
in the world. He made his way in the entrance off the parking lot.
It was the main one and he was immediately met by an employee with
a tray. He took a flute of champagne, there were other choices but
this drink he knew. Another employee came over with a tray of hors
d’ oeuvres and he took two. They were small but tasty. He thought
he would take more if they came near him with the tray again.
    A hostess of some kind approached him
cautiously. “Sir, it’s a pleasure to serve you. Do you have an
appointment or are you looking to make one?”
    “I’m meeting a lady to has an appointment.
Her name is Em,” he said seeing no need to say more since he
assumed Em was well known here.
    The hostess fussed even more than before. She
motioned to the two tray carrying ladies and she asked one to get a
plate. He was given a second drink, which the hostess carried and a
plate full of assorted food. She escorted him into a private room
where he would await Em. It was a nice room with a whirlpool tub
and message

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