Frost & Bothered
we’ve shared blood. So one of my people nearly died because of you. Doesn’t that mean that mean I technically spilled blood twice on that little jaunt?”
    The tips of Thorandryll’s ears began turning red as he stared at me. His face had become an expressionless mask. I could see a wide-eyed Dane watching us from the corner of my eye. Logan, recovered from his juice misadventure, was sitting perfectly still.
    Judging by their reactions, I either had a compelling argument, or had just stepped in it big time. “Well?”
    “What would you have of me, Miss Jones?”
    Yay! I had a debt from an elf prince in my pocket, but not an answer to his question since I hadn’t planned on bringing up the matter. “I’ll get back to you on that. Right now, I’m thinking you might want to speak to Mr. Whitehaven.”
    “For what reason?” Thorandryll’s tone was frosty.
    “To hire us to investigate whether or not someone’s trying to smear your name.” I smiled, more pleased with myself than I probably should’ve been.
    It’s not like I managed to put an elf over a barrel every day.

    “Y ou didn’t have to do that.” Logan started the truck while Dane climbed in. Being sandwiched between them meant I didn’t instantly grow cold as we drove out of the elven summer into the Texas winter.
    “No, but if you’ll remember, he has me on the hook. I have to go to dinner with him sometime, to repay him for turning me back from a dog. Turnabout’s fair play.”
    Dane pulled the center seatbelt out from under his leg and handed it to me. “What are you going to ask him for?”
    “Whatever Logan wants me to. He’s the one who almost died.”
    Logan shook his head. “A blood debt’s a big deal, and he owes it to you.”
    “Dude, don’t even argue with me over this. Instead, start thinking. When you know what you want, tell me.”
    I lifted my chin and stared at him. “That was an order.”
    Dane snickered. Logan’s lips parted as though he were going to protest again. I silently dared him to. It was only right that he reap whatever reward I could wrangle out of Thorandryll.
    “All right. Thank you,” Logan finally said.
    “You’re welcome.”
    Dane let a few seconds pass before asking, “Where to now?”
    “Good question.” I sighed, unable to think of what to do next, other than hang out at Dreamland that night. It was too early for that, and it’d be a little bit before we learned whether Thorandryll had called the boss. “Mom’s house. I need to take a turn with the dogs, and maybe cook dinner too. We can get ready to hit the club after that.”


    “A rgh.” I rolled over, spitting and swiping snow off my face. “Diablo, you are in so much trouble.”
    The black pit whirled around with a yip. “ More where that came from! ”
    I laughed as snowballs rained down on him, and he raced away. “Hah! Thanks, guys.”
    Logan grinned, tossing a snowball at Leglin. My hound ducked and ran, his tail held high as it waved. Dane scored a hit on Bone’s shoulder, and the white pit charged him, barking happily. They went down in a shower of snow.
    I rose to my feet, only to fall again when Leglin bumped into me. “You too?”
    Kyra, Tonya’s husky, leaped into the air and hit Leglin in the side with all four of her paws. He went over, thrashing snow everywhere. “Way to go, girl!”
    The park had been deserted when we drove by on the way to Mom’s. Snow had left a two-feet-deep blanket on it, with drifts up to four feet. No one objected to my suggestion we take the big dogs there for some exercise.
    Bone bounded up as I climbed onto all fours and swiped his tongue across my face. “ Chase me! ”
    I did for about twenty minutes, slipping and sliding all over the place thanks to the snow building up in the tread of my boots. The exertion quickly wore me down, and the white pit stopped to look back at me when I halted. His tongue lolled out in a laugh, right before a pair of arms closed

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