Frost & Bothered
remuneration for Logan.”
    “Okay, hang on.” I pulled the phone from my ear and tapped mute. “Mr. Whitehaven wants to know if you feel like temping again.”
    Logan swallowed the roast he was chewing. “I have two weeks of vacation time and no idea how to spend it. Temping works for me.”
    “Cool.” I unmuted the phone to tell my boss, “He’s on board.”
    “Excellent. Someone will meet you at Dreamland this evening. Make certain to keep me updated on your progress.”
    “Yes, sir. Bye.” I ended the call and checked the time. “We need to get a move on, guys. We have a meet at Dreamland to make.”

    I n spite of our best efforts, it was after nine before we arrived at the club. The same tall bouncers passed us through the door, and Angel Elf greeted us with a smile. “Welcome back, Miss Jones. A moment, please.”
    “Sure, thanks.” I untied my coat belt. No dress and heels for me this time. I’d chosen jeans, a teal, short-sleeved top, and my favorite pair of brown, aviator-style boots. Clothing I could run or fight in, if either became necessary.
    The guys had both gone with short-sleeved polo shirts. Logan’s was the dark gold that looked positively scrumptious on him. Dane’s was baby blue. The color complemented his coloring, too, brightening his rather dark blue eyes. My partner was an attractive guy, but the reasons I liked him had nothing to do with his looks. Dane was smart, dedicated, and fun. It didn’t hurt that he was easy-going and loyal too.
    “Miss Jones?” An elf with unusually short hair had opened the interior door. “Welcome. If you’d come this way, please?”
    “This way” wasn’t into the opalized Coat Room, but led directly into a short, bland, beige hallway.
    “I’m Merlandon, and have the honor of managing Dreamland for my Prince. My office is,” he hurried past me to open a door. “Here. Please, come in and have a seat.”
    His office was little more than an over-sized closet. Also done in all beige, it held a desk and five chairs. They were molded plastic, four of them lined up against the wall to face his small, student-style desk, the fifth behind it. Not exactly the most comfortable seats in the world, but we wouldn’t be there long enough for that to matter. I hoped.
    “We’ll cooperate to the fullest extent,” he said after sitting down. He leaned forward, giving me full eye contact. His were a muddy brown. “Anything you need, Miss Jones, anything at all, please just tell me.”
    “Thank you.” Something was way off about him. I noticed a tic start twitching in his left cheek, and watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. He was extremely nervous. “We’d like a tour of the employee areas.”
    “Of course.” Merlandon jumped to his feet, his thighs bumping the desk edge. That unbalanced a glass of water sitting near the side edge. It tipped over, spilling water, and rolled off the desk top. The office was so small, Dane simply leaned forward to catch the glass before it hit the tile floor.
    “Goodness.” Merlandon’s ears reddened, and he came close to dropping the glass when Dane offered it to him. “Terribly clumsy of me.”
    I’d never seen a clumsy, or nervous, elf before. “Merlandon.”
    “Yes, Miss Jones.” His hands fluttered away from the glass he’d placed on the desk.
    “Do you have something to hide?”
    He paled, and for a second, I seriously thought he was going to faint. “No, Miss Jones. Nothing to hide. It’s...this is my first true opportunity to prove myself to my Prince, and it was going so well. Now this terrible thing is happening to our guests, who are my responsibility, and I wasn’t even aware of it until his Highness called me earlier.”
    His pupils were enlarged. The poor dude was in full-on panic mode. What the hell kind of boss was Thorandryll, to instill such terror with a phone call? “Okay, do me a favor?”
    “Anything, Miss Jones.”
    “Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.” I’d

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