From Winter's Ashes: Girl Next Door Crime Romance Series - Book Two

From Winter's Ashes: Girl Next Door Crime Romance Series - Book Two by Amy Leigh Simpson

Book: From Winter's Ashes: Girl Next Door Crime Romance Series - Book Two by Amy Leigh Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Leigh Simpson
She patted his chest with satisfying condescension and smirked to herself as she slipped behind the wheel.
    She loved that she’d thrown him, but not five minutes later when they pulled into the parking garage of Downtown Kirkwood’s trendy new lofts she realized the joke was on her. Oh crap. Why had she insisted on coming to his place again? In her attempt to embarrass him she’d unwittingly lured herself into his den.
    Okay. Get a grip. Same thing as before. Cool and confident. Prying her white-knuckled grip from the smooth woodgrain steering wheel, she stilled the nervous jitter of her fingers by mangling the soft leather of her petal-pink Valentino couture satchel. Sorry pinkie, desperate times. She issued the silent apology to the tortured tote, exited her SUV, and followed Finn to his door.
    It wasn’t the first time she’d been to his place, but it was the only time she’d been here alone, without her trusty ally, Sadie. As the door swung open her legs obeyed her cue to proceed ahead, depositing her behind enemy lines.
    A bounding ball of grey and tan fur crashed with exuberance into her legs, excited paws clawing at her jeans and purse. “Well, you’re new. Hi, pooch.” She surrendered to the floor making kissing sounds while the pup lavished her with affection. She scratched his ears, beneath his chin, and then he rolled over for a belly rub. She obliged. The sweet pup was so content he was actually purring, his eyes rolling back, tongue lolling out to one side. Joselyn immediately fell in love. When she became aware of the silence she found Finn observing her from a few feet away. His eyes sparkled with amusement, yet his lips held a firm line.
    “And who is this?” She couldn’t hold his gaze, focusing her attention on the dog instead.
    Taking a few steps forward, he squatted down next to her. “This is Dodger. He was abandoned. I took him in. Though, you might not want to get too attached seeing as how he mauled your purse.”
    Looking to Finn’s hands she viewed the severed petals of one of the flower decals from her new bag. “It’s no biggie. You didn’t mean it, did you Dodge?”
    She kept her eyes trained on the pooch, and her effort was rewarded with a lick to the nose.
    “Must be nice. You can buy a new one without batting an eye.”
    The snarky edge in his voice snapped her head in his direction. She met his arrogant glower in a contest of wills. “Just because I have money, doesn’t mean I value things any less.” Mindlessly, her fingers clasped around the rectangular edge of her mother’s priceless locket. “What’s your problem with rich people, anyway? It’s not like you ever wanted for anything in your life with your perfect little home and family. And this loft? So very Oliver Twist.”
    Dodger pranced to the threshold of the foot between them, volleying his attention back and forth before emitting a slight whine. The heartbreaking sound softened the fierce latch of her anger.
    Finn opened his mouth to retort, his eyes ablaze. Without a thought she dashed her hand across the divide, covering his mouth gently with her palm. Simply too tired to go another round at the moment, she spoke softly, “Maybe we should call it a draw and move on.”
    After the second of shock skittered away, the angry bind of his brow softened. And she could have sworn she’d felt the slightest press of his lips on her palm as his fingers circled her wrist and pulled it away.
    All vocal ability ceased in that moment. His eyes locked and loaded to stun. And she was. Stunned. Frozen. Hypnotized.
    Look away. Self-preservation warned.
    But then Dodger’s bark erupted to fill the silence. Finn flinched and released the hand he was cradling in his own and set it on her lap.
    “All right, babe. Different clothes is fine. But I draw the line well before guy-liner and hair gel.” He nodded, throwing her with his light, unaffected tone. “Let’s go find something that will impress Declan Whyte.”

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