Forever Princess

Forever Princess by Meg Cabot

Book: Forever Princess by Meg Cabot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Cabot
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how’s it going?” is no big deal for Lana .
    I, on the other hand, cannot go up to the Drs. Moscovitz and go, “Oh, hey, hi, Dr. and Dr. Moscovitz. How you doing ? Remember me? The girl who acted like a total byotch to your son and who used to be best friendswith your daughter? Oh, and hey, Nana Moscovitz. How’s that rugelach you used to make? Yum, I used to love that stuff! Good times.”
    Anyway. This donation thing is turning out to be a huge event (fortunately, because there are a ton of people I can slouch behind and remain unseen). There’s press from everywhere , Anesthesia magazine to PC World . They’ve got hors d’oeuvres and stuff, too, and a lot of model-looking types slinking around in tight red dresses, passing around flutes of champagne.
    There’s no sign of Michael so far, though. He’s probably in a green room somewhere, getting a massage from one of those slinky-dress girls. That’s what bazillionaire robotic-arm inventors do before giving away major donations to their alma maters. I’m just guessing.
    Tina says I should stop writing in my journal and pay attention in case Michael comes in (she doesn’t believe my slinky-model-massage theory). Also, she thinks the dark sunglasses and beret I’m wearing are only drawing attention to myself, not serving as a good disguise.
    But what does Tina know? This has never happened to her before. She—
    Michael just walked in….
    I can’t breathe.

    Saturday, April 29, 3:00 p.m., Columbia
University Medical Center, ladies’ room
    Okay. I messed up.
    Really, really messed up.
    It’s just…he looks so incredibly good.
    I don’t know what he’s been doing to work out while he was overseas…fighting monks in the Himalayas like Christian Bale in the Batman movies is what Lana thinks. Trisha says plain old weight lifting, while Shameeka says probably a combination of lifting and cardio.
    Tina thinks he just “got hit with a stick of pure awesomeness.”
    But whatever it was, he’s almost as wide in the shoulders now as Lars, and I highly doubt it’s because he’s wearing an actual shoulder holster under his Hugo Boss suit coat, which Lana suggested.
    And he’s got a real haircut, like a grown-up man, and his hands look huge for some reason, and he didn’t seem at all nervous coming out onto that stage and shaking Dr. Arthur Ward’s hand. He was totally at ease, like he comes out and speaks in front of hundreds of people all the time!
    And that’s because he probably does.
    And he was smiling, and looking all the audience members in the eye, just like Grandmère always tells me to do, and he didn’t need note cards to give his speech, he had the whole thing memorized (just like Grandmère also always tells me to do).
    And he was funny and smart and I sat up and took my beret off and also my sunglasses so I could see him betterand all of my insides melted in on themselves and I knew I had made the worst mistake coming here. Ever.
    Because all it did was make me realize all over again how much I wish we hadn’t broken up.
    I’m not saying I don’t love J.P. and all of that.
    I just wish…I…
    I don’t even know.
    But I do know I wish I hadn’t come here! And I knew for sure, the minute Michael started speaking, and thanking everyone for having him and describing how he’d come up with the idea for Pavlov Surgical (which I already knew, of course—he’d named it for his dog, Pavlov, which is the most adorable thing, ever), that there was no way I was going to go up to him afterward. Even if Lilly and his parents and Nana Moscovitz hadn’t been there.
    Not even for the people of Genovia. No way. Not ever.
    I just couldn’t trust myself to go up and speak to him and not throw my arms around his neck and plunge my tongue down his throat, like Finnula does to Hugo in Ransom My Heart

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